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Are you kidding? That's what every defendant claims, "There is no proof that I committed the crime." Believe me, if you were arrested and indicted, SOMEONE has EVIDENCE of SOMETHING,

Well if you were not arrested but the theft was reported and investigated but no proof was found to prosecute against you is what i think is this person is asking.... in that sense to my knowledge the answer would be no.

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Yes, if there is probable cause to believe a certain person has committed a theft. Many people are arrested without being witnessed committing a crime.

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Q: Can you be charged with theft if there is no proof of the crime?
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Definitely a felony crime. You don't say what the specific charge is - you will have research your state's statutes to determine the penalty for the crime you are charged with.

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If you think a crime has been committed then report this to the police. The police have a DUTY to prosecute CRIMINAL activity. Theft (steeling) is a crime.

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