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Simply owing a debt is not a crime. Or, it's not suppose to be.

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Q: Can you be arrested on a flight if you have a warrant for child support?
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Can you be arrested for a warrant for child support in a state that the warrant was not issued in?


Can you get arrested in California DMV for a New Jersey child support warrant?

No, they just don't grant you your license

If you have a child support warrant will you be arrested at dmv if you go and try to get your license back?

yes, see link

How long does child support warrant last for in Florida?

If there is a warrant issued, it stays open until resolved/you are arrested. Arrest warrants do not have time limit.

Is there a time limit for the arrested being held in Ohio to be extradited to Michigan on a back child support warrant?

Perhaps not - there is no statute of limitations on collecting unpaid child support.

What if you reenter the US would you be arrested at port of entry for not paying child support and owe arrears of 120.000?

You would be arrested only if a court has issued a warrant for your arrest.

What is a fugitive from justice without a warrant charge?

This is not stating the type of charge he/she has, this just means that the person was detained and arrested because there is an active warrant out for the person outside of the state that they were arrested in. Here is an example of your question. A man owes child support in Michigan, failed to make payments, and now there is a warrant out for him. He no longer lives in Michigan and moved to Tennessee. He got pulled over for speeding in Tennessee and the police officer checked to see if there were any warrants, and there was a warrant issued from Michigan for failure to pay child support. So, the Tennessee Officer arrested him, and the reason for his arrest was "fugitive from justice without a warrant."

How long does misdemeanor warrants expire?

I owe child support in pennsylvania. I live in Washington, can I get arrested in the state of Washington with a warrant from pennsylvania?

Is Marion County child support bench warrant still suspended?

child support warrants?

Will you be arrested at the DMV if you have a failure to appear bench warrant?

Depends on what the warrant is for. what if its for child support

Can you be arrested for non payment of child support without having a warrant for your arrest?

Non-payment of child support is a civil offense. You cannot be arrested for violation of a civil law. However, the court CAN issue an "attachment" for you, and have you brought to court. Depending on the state, you could be found in wilfull violation of the support order and be charged criminally which could carry jail time.

What to do if a child support bench warrant been issued for you?

Pay your child support and provide proof to the court.