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You will not be able to get married in Georgia without parental consent or a court order.

From what I know, it doesn't matter what state you go to once you are married. The state of Wisconsin will not look at the circumstances of the marriage... it will only look at the marriage itself. So I would say that, yes, Wisconsin would recognize the marriage.

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19y ago

Many States will take into consideration that the young woman is pregnant and a judge usually decides. Here is where you go on the internet to find this out" Type in: Type in: Can a 16 year old pregnant girl get married legally in Wisconsin. It will give you the answer and tell you what to do legally. Marcy

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15y ago

It is illegal to get married at that young of an age unless your parents say you can.You have to get them to sign a sheet of paper stating that they can proceed with the marriage,no law concerned.

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Q: Can two 16-year-olds get married in Wisconsin without parental consent if the girl is pregnant?
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