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The District AttorneyÕs office can press charges against a person if they have enough evidence of a crime. A person can press charges against a person if they have been violated in a legal sense.

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Q: Can they press charges
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Is it necessary in an assault case for the victim to press charges or can other parties press charges-?

The police or the victim are the only people who can press charges in an assault case.

If you press charges on someone and then drop the charges and the case is closed can they reopen the case so you can press charges again?

yes you can

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Can a person press charges for fighting?

It depends on the fight. If someone got hurt to an extent the victim could press charges. Yes they can the person who pops it off (first to punch) can get lock up can press charges on a lot of stuff

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The police don't "press charges," they only arrest you on probable cause. It is the prosecutor's office which presses (brings) charges.

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Private individuals do not make or press criminal charges. Report the crime to the police. The police and the prosecuting attorneys will determine whether or not to file criminal charges.

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you can press sexual haressment charges on them

Can you press charges for someone steeling an iPod?

Yes, press charges for stealing a pet ant i think ask a police officer

What do you do when someone starts a fight and wants to press charges?

they cant press charges because threy started the fight but there fighting they cant do anything

Can someone press charges on me if I have proved I don't have their belongings?

Public individuals cannot make or press charges. They can report criminal activity to the police. The police and prosecuting attorney will make the decision about whether or not to press charges. The location of belongings for use as a defense would depend on what, if any, charges are filed.

How do you handle a narcissistic thief?

You report the theft to the police and press charges.You report the theft to the police and press charges.You report the theft to the police and press charges.You report the theft to the police and press charges.

Can the state or district attorney pick up charges if the person refuses to press them?

Criminal charges are not pressed by an individual, they are always pursued by the state. Only the state or district attorney can press charges.