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Yes you can be arrested for petty theft in Nevada.

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Q: Can they arrest someone for a petti theft in Nevada?
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Can a theft arrest stop you from getting a job in retail?

it might. but i know someone who still works in retail after getting arrested for cash theft from their previous job

When does Michelle arrest you in Grand Theft Auto 4?

she does not arrest you

How do you use the arrest in a sentence?

You sir, are under arrest for the crime of theft.

What happens when someone commits identity theft on their spouse?

If, in fact, a person has commited identity theft, the result is the same for an ex-spouse or a stranger...possible arrest, prosecution and prison for a felony crime.

If it has been seven years since your petti larceny charge can an employer hold that against you when applying for a job?

If they have objection to theft convictions yes.

What is the Penalty for Grand Theft in Nevada?

Its bad

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Is it illegal to handcuff someone if they did something wrong such as start a fight or theft something and you are not in the police force?

No its called a citazens arrest as long as you tell the police and have evidence of what they have done its not wrong

Will Nevada extradite from Wyoming for theft charges?

They could, if they wanted. Much probably hinges on the amount of the theft and serioussness of the crime.

Can an officer arrest you if you do not pay for a service?

You can be arrested in certain jurisdictions for theft of services or theft. This is both a criminal and civil matter as a business can still sue you for the theft and win to recover the losses.

Will Washington pursue someone who flees to Alaska with charges of Forgery and First Degree Identity Theft?

Yes, especially if the crime is of significant proprotion. If a warrant for his arrest is entered into NCIC he will eventually be arrested and they will extradite him.