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No, adeficiency judgment may not be obtained when a property in foreclosure is sold at a public sale for less than the loan amount that the underlying mortgage secures.

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Q: Can there be a deficiency judgment on a mortgage foreclosure in West Virginia?
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How do you know if you would get a deficiency judgment on your forclosure. Do they go after pension or social security?

Can there be a deficiency judgment on a mortgage forclosure in virginia?

What is personal deficiency judgment foreclosure?

This is when you receive a judgment for a foreclosure because you do not have the money to pay your mortgage. Most foreclosures are a result of this, this is just a more specific term pertaining to this.

Can the private mortgage insurer sue the homeowner for the deficiency it pays to the lender after a foreclosure?

Yes, the private mortgage insurer can sue the homeowner for the deficiency. They can get a judgment against the home owner for the difference.

What is a deficiency judgment?

A deficiency judgment is where the owner of a mortgage or deed of trust is awarded a judgment against the borrower in the amount of: the amount of money owed in the mortgage or deed of trust minus the amount of money the property sold for at foreclosure sale If the above amount is a positive number, some states allow the lender to get a judgment for that amount.

What are the deficiency judgment laws in Minnesota?

In Minnesota, the lender can seek a deficiency judgment after a foreclosure sale if the sale proceeds are not sufficient to cover the outstanding loan balance. However, there are certain limitations on when and how deficiency judgments can be pursued, such as restrictions on the amount that can be collected. It's advisable for borrowers facing foreclosure in Minnesota to consult with a legal professional to understand their rights and options regarding deficiency judgments.

What are the judgment laws in Minnesota?

Minnesota is both a judicial and non judicial foreclosure state . Foreclosure by action is a judicial foreclosure and foreclosure by advertisement is a non judicial foreclosure . The vast majority of foreclosure than happen in MN are by advertisement. Under foreclosure by advertisement the rule is that however takes the loan to sheriff sale relinquishes their right to a deficiency judgement. As most foreclosures are initiated by a first position mortgage there is still a potential deficiency that could arise from a second position mortgage.

Are you still liable for mortgage after foreclosure?

Only if the foreclosure is a court-ordered foreclosure.AnswerThe mortgage is extinguished by a foreclosure proceeding and sale but you may be liable for any deficiency and costs relating to the sale.

Deficiency judgments on foreclosures in KY does it happen?

Yes, deficiency judgments can happen in Kentucky following a foreclosure. A deficiency judgment is a court order that allows the lender to recover any remaining balance on the mortgage that was not satisfied through the foreclosure sale. However, it is important to note that Kentucky has certain limitations and requirements for deficiency judgments, including a requirement for the lender to file a motion for deficiency judgment within two years of the foreclosure sale.

What are the short sale deficiency judgment laws in Pennsylvania?

Deficiency judgments are allowed in Pennsylvania if the mortgage company files a separate lawsuit against the borrowers after the original foreclosure auction. If the mortgagee (usually the foreclosing bank) purchases the property at the auction, the amount of any deficiency judgment is limited by the fair market value of the property.

If you are in foreclosure for your first mortgage are you still responsible for the second mortgage if there is a second mortgage on the property?

If your first mortgage is in the process of foreclosure that foreclosure will extinguish the second mortgage as to the real estate. The foreclosure of the first mortgage terminates all subsequent interests in the real estate. After the foreclosure the real estate can be sold free and clear of any subsequent mortgages or liens. However, the debtor remains responsible for the second mortgage debt.Any remaining proceeds from the foreclosure sale after the first mortgage is satisfied are paid toward the second mortgage. In some states the second mortgagee can seek a "deficiency judgment" in court against the debtor. However, even when possible it's not often done due to the costs and the slim probability the debtor will have the ability to pay.You should check your state laws.

What is the process for a deficiency judgment in Michigan?

In Michigan, deficiency judgments are allowed after a sheriff sale of a property in foreclosure. If the mortgagee (usually the bank or investor that owns the mortgage) purchases the property at the public auction and sells for less than its fair market value, homeowners may be able to raise this as a defense to limit the size of the deficiency judgment. Michigan foreclosure laws are discussed at the following section of the Michigan Code: Mich. Comp. Laws sections 600.3101 to 600.3180, 600.3201 to 600.3280