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Yes, as can any state. The situation is that the law enforcement agent on the scene may have effected an arrest due to given violation of law, that while meeting the criterion for a misdemeanor, later was seen to meet the criterion for charging as a felony.

Example: You could be arrested for "disturbing the peace", due to you screaming loudly outside a store, but then later be charged with "drunk and disorderly", due to an alcohol test coming back positive. Or still later be charged with attempted robbery, if they found a gun on you and a diary in which you stated your plans to rob that very store.

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Q: Can the state of Tennessee arrest you for a misdemeanor and then charge you with a felony when you go to court?
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When can an arrest for a felony turn into a misdemeanor?

It's all up to the prosecutor, judge, jury or possibly the arresting officer to change the charge from a felony charge to a misdemeanor charge, happens all the time..

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A dui in Tennessee is a misdemeanor until the fourth instance upon which it becomes a felony.

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It depends upon the wording of the statute in your paarticular jurisdiction. In some states it is a misdemeanor and in others it is a felony, in still others it can depend on how much resistance was given to the officer and can range from a misdemeanor charge up to a felony.

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You need to talk to a lawyer.

If a warrant is issued and the case was dropped from a felony to a misdemeanor is it a misdemeanor warrant?

If you were charged with a felony - appeared in court - the charge was reduced from a felony offense to a misdemeanor offense - and then you skipped out and it has been necessary to issue a warrant for your arrest; It means that by fleeing you failed to complete your part of the 'legal' bargain and the felony charge would quite likely be re-instituted and you could now be a fugitive felon.

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Depends on whether it's a misdemeanor or felony charge. If it's a felony charge, the answer is going to be no. If it's related to a domestic violence matter, the answer will also be no, whether it's a misdemeanor or felony charge.

Can burglary be reduced to a misdemeanor in Memphis Tennessee?

yes. it depends on whether or not the district attorney or prosecutor is willing to plea you out or not. also bare in mind there are different degrees of all crimes. meaning that your buglary charge can already be a misdemeanor and not necessarily a felony. for example a 4th degree buglary charge is a misdemeanor.

Is resisting arrest and evading police in Tennessee a felony?

There's actually 'misdemeanor evading police' and 'felony evading police' so yes and no, it all depends on what action the suspect took. If they took police on a high speed chase, then that's almost certainly going to be a felony.

Can you have a charge and become a parole officer?

Misdemeanor charge yes. Felony charge very doubtful.

What is a b felony misdemeanor?

A felony is not a misdemeanor, and a misdemeanor is not a felony.

Leaving the scene of an accident charge Can you still become a probation officer?

Depends on if it is felony or misdemeanor. Misdemeanor than yes, eventually but with a felony than no.