No, the president can suggest a law that should be made but the Congress gets to decide whether it is made into a law or not.
the vice president helps the president make laws
the job is not to enforce the laws but to make them.
No, The president does not make the law, he only has the power to pass, veto, or suggest a law. the group of people who make the laws and run them through the president is the Senate. Also, if the president vetoes the law, the senate can overthrow his decision if 2/3 of the senate vote for the law to pass.
The Congress.
The president does not have constitutional power to initiate laws or bills.
The president does not have the power to initiate laws-- only Congress can do that.
the jury and president
to make laws and send it to the president
Balance of power. They make the laws, but the president has to approve the laws or veto them.
The Walker Tariff was one of the laws that James K. Polk passed. He also revived a law that was put in place by President Van Buren. This was the Independent Treasury act.