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Of course not. In the times we live in law suits abound. He would take you home, but then have your car towed, in some cases you would even have to pay for that yourself. No person left stranded, sorryl.

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Q: Can the police tow your car and leave you in the highway?
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Related questions

Where do you pick up a towed car?

If it was towed by Highway Patrol, it is located at an impound lot usually owned by the tow company.Contact: Highway Patrol or police in your area.

Is a tow truck an emergency vehicle?

Where I live (Alberta Canada) a tow truck is considered a highway maintenance vehicle. This means for the purposes of the time it is working on the highway traffic must treat it the same as a police car beside the road. While it is traveling it has no special privilege's.

Can i tow a car using a rope on the highway?

These days I think that is illegal anywhere.

If i take a car without permission and the police tow it do the owners have to pay the fee?

If you take a car without permission and the police tow it the owners do have to pay the fee for the wrecker service and the impound fee.

Can a police man tow your car in a private lot?

yes they can, a friend of mine is a police woman

Can they still tow your car if you try to move it before they actually hitch your car to their truck?

yes, if they did not hook up they can't tow it. unless police told them to tow. but if it'sa inpound no

An abandoned car was left on your property how can you get rid of it in Ohio?

Call the police and report the car. They will tow it.

Do I have to be with the vehicle to get a tow?

No, as long as you leave the keys with the car and let us know how you are paying, you do not need to be with the vehicle to get a tow.

What should you do if your car breaks down on the highway?

Put the HOOD UP and the Blinkers on... and call a tow truck

Can police officers tow a car for evidence of a hit a run when there was no evidence?

If the officer has probable cause, they would probably tow and impound a car to find evidence. In short, yes.

If you leave your car at a tow lot will you have to pay if you dont want the car anymore?

yes because it specifically said car tow meaning that you pay for the car even if you dont want it, you must pay.

How can you retrieve a car towed from a tow away zone in Brooklyn NY?

If your car was towed out of a tow away zone in Brooklyn, New York, you can call 212-TOW-AWAY to find out where it was taken. Or you can call the local police precinct if your car was not towed but stolen.