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Not without a court order. The exception being if such action was included in the terms of the individual's release on probation (which is very unlikely).

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Q: Can the police check my phone records if I am on probation?
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Can parents look at police look at your phone records if you are nineteen?

if you live in the UK , no parent can check with the police over phone records if they are yours and in your name ie the bills in your name if you are over 18 , if on the otherhand it is in their name yes they can , no matter what age you are .

Can police get phone cell phone records without a warrant?


Are phone books public records?

Yes phone books are public , but phone records..are not.Phone records would be calls in and out from specific phone numbers.The police have access to that information.

how do i check my tmobile phone records online?

you should go to t-mobiles website to check your phone records online

how can I get the name of a probation officer of a specific inmate?

need the email & phone # for: Rhea Edward Moreno Valley Parole Unit 4 Check with your local police department. It's possible that in your particular state probation officer names are a matter of public record. If you are looking for the probation officer to report a violation, it may be simpler to simply file a report with the police.

Can a probation officer look at a persons phone that is not on probation?

A police officer can request that anyone show him or her their phone. In the absense of a warrant, they generally are not obligated to comply with this request, but if they do, he or she may certainly look at it.

Can parents check your phone records?

Yes they can. If they talk to your phone company in person then they can check your phone records. And you can also transfer all the information from one phone to another.

Can at and t check the date you sent a mms or who even when the mms is deleted?

All cell phone providers, including AT&T can check on mms messages and can tell when they were sent and to whom they were sent, even if they were deleted from the phone. Records with providers are different from records on your phone. Police use this to investigate harassment and stalker cases every day.

How is your INFO set up on police records for phones can police see every text message including apps messages if my parents give cops my phone?

The text messages are stored on the network's computer - NOT your phone. They are simply downloaded to your phone when they're received. The police simply need to serve a warrant on the company, to have them print out your messages. The don't need your phone !

How do I prevent police from looking through your phones history?

If they have a warrant, there's really not much you can do. Everything you do on your phone is logged with your carrier, so they can get those records from your phone service provider.

If my husband has scabies does this mean he cheated?

Never assume anything. Ask him yourself or check his phone records.

In NJ is it legal for someone who works for a phone provider to check peoples phone records without permission as in to spy on friends and girlfriends?

It is likely that they have a legal right to check phone records, but also that it is against the rules of the company where they work. If you believe that this person is doing something inappropriate then I would start with the employer. I would also suggest that whether or not reviewing the phone records is legal, you will get action from the employer faster and more easily than from your local prosecutor.