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Q: Can the perimeter for house arrest be square when they use an rf tether system or would it be a radius?
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What is the circumference of a circle if the square has an area of 144ft?

If you are equating the area of the circle and the square or equating the circumderence/perimeter. Since the Square has an area od 144 sq.ft. (NOT ft). Then its perimeter is 48 ft. If the circle has a perimter of 48 ft. Then its radius is 48 = 2 (3.14) r r = 48/(2 3.14) = 7.639 ft. Hence are (ccircle) = 7.639^(2) x 3.14 = 183.346... sq.ft. NB When describing the AREa in the Imperial System of Lunear measure it is described as 'sq'ft' (square feet) , NOT ft (feet .

Is there a maximum perimeter and area obtainable?

No, because a shape has no limit to it's length or width. For example, a square can be tinier than plankton while another square is bigger than our solar system.

Is radius part of the skeletal system?

yes the radius is apart of he skeletal system

Is perimeter a metric term?

No. It's a term like "length", "distance", "area", "volume", "radius", "diameter", "speed", "weight", etc. Any of those terms can be measured and expressed in any system of units.

Where can one purchase a Fall Arrest System?

One can purchase a Fall Arrest System from various websites like OSHA and CBS. Both websites offer a great amount of purchasable products, including a Fall Arrest System.

What are the three groups of people in the criminal justice system?

Law Enforcement, the court system, and the Corrections System. Or, in sequence, the ones who make the arrest, the ones who validate the arrest, and the ones who oversee the punishment.

What are the sign and symptoms of respiratory arrest?

complete shut down of the respiratory system. respiratory arrest is the ultimate result of prolonged respiratory failure. respiratory arrest usually results in cardiac arrest. (in children)

Signs and symptoms of respiratory arrest?

what are signs or symptoms of a respiratory arrest

How does heroin cause cardiac arrest?

it depresses the respiratory system which causes cardiac arrest through lack of oxygen to the heart

What body system do the radius belongs to?

The radius belongs to the skeletal system. It is one of the two bones in the forearm and plays a vital role in supporting the arm and facilitating movement at the elbow joint.

Where is the radius located in the skeletal system?


Choose the word that best completes this sentence. A personal fall arrest system is the most type of fall arrest in construction.?
