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Yes, the landlord may or may not restrict access to any parts of his property. You rent the apartment, not the backyard. The issue here would be if the restriction is missing from the lease, then the backyard would be considered a fixture of the property and would be an inclusive implied part of the leasehold.

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Landlords can make their own rules on the property they rent. However, if they do not want tenants to use the backyard of the property, it must be set forth in the lease agreement.

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Q: Can the landlord forbid the use of the backyard?
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It depends on the contract you signed. Generally a landlord cannot tell you who to have in your apartment unless you are making excessive noise or someone is living with you on and off and even then seldom does a landlord say anything. Some apartments or condos can tell a tenant how many people can be in their place at one time and also demand that guests do not park outside the building or underground parking. I'd say on the whole that your landlord is stepping on your privacy rights if you are not causing any disruptions such as partying or loud music. A landlord by law in Canada has to give 24 hours notice to enter into your apartment, but can let themselves into your apartment if you are not home for emergency purposes only such as a leaky pipe, etc. ANSWER Open-ended questions like this are tedious, at best. I will forbid visitors who have a history of disruptions. I will forbid anyone I have evicted before. I will forbid anyone I have had complaints about. I will forbid anyone the police have told me are "problems." I will forbid groups of young teens hanging out in your place. Be more specific for a better answer.

How do you use landlord in a sentence?

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Can you give example sentences with the word forbid?

I forbid you leaving the house in that short skirt! You can't forbid me from walking on the grass. I forbid you to leave before your homework is done.

How might you use the word forewarm and forbid together?

use the dictionary

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Can I use dirt from my backyard for potting soil?

Yes, you can use dirt from your backyard for potting soil. However, it might not be very effective.

What is the future tense of the word forbid?

The future tense of the verb to forbid is will forbid.

What is the future tense of forbid?

The future tense of "forbid" is "will forbid" or "shall forbid."