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As in custody? Only when the order is registered in the jurisdiction, or is from that jurisdiction.

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Q: Can the cops enforce a child placement order?
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Children can not be cops, but children can practice safety and enforce it too. (With fellow children and friends)

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Their busy eating donuts

If your boyfriend is 16 and you are 13 can he get in trouble with the cops?

yes No because you have to be 21+in order the cops to do anything as long as he is not at the age of 21+you two be fine AND IT WORK OUT.

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Restraining order/no stalking order. Requires proof of harassment. It will require the person to have no contact with you and stay a specified distance away from you.

Can your dad call the cops on you for smoking at his house if im 18 but live here by court order?

Yes, your dad can call the police for smoking at his house since it is his property and he has the right to enforce the rules. Being 18 years old does not exempt you from following the terms of living in his house by court order. It is important to respect his rules and seek a compromise if needed.

Can the cops interview your child without you?

Yes because cats eat food and lick themselves to clean themselves


uh call the cops... duh

What are the release dates for Law and Order - 1990 Four Cops Shot 20-17?

Law and Order - 1990 Four Cops Shot 20-17 was released on: USA: 22 March 2010 Japan: 27 February 2012

Is it legal to say 'f you' to a cop?

Legal or not it would be very unwise and quite out of order.A cop is a person doing a job to enforce the laws WE have enacted though OUR political vote. Sometimes the cops must ask you to do things as part of their duties. If you were doing your lob how would you feel if someone 'f' you for doing is not illegal to say fu to a cop, because cops can not legally be offended. and i would know, because i flip cops the bird all the time. i got pulled over for it once, but the cops eventually had to let me go.

Can a battered and thretned woman and her child leave the abusive spouse without his consent and be considered kidnapping?

leave now before he starts hitting the child. It is not kidnapping, you are only trying to protect you and your child. Get help, call the cops.

What Good Citizenship Value of Order?

if your a good citizen the cops appreciate you being a good citizen