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Until the unit can be made habitable again or a resonible time that the unit should have been able to be repaired. The tenant would be liable for cost of repair, rent and utilities during that repair.

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Q: Can tenant be evicted and be obligated to pay future rent?
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Can a tenant sue a landlord who is in bankruptcy?

Normally the bankruptcy filing has nothing to do with whether or not the tenant has paid his rent. A landlord does not have the right to evict a tenant simply because the tenant filed chapter 7 unless that is part of the lease. The terms of the lease determine if the tenant will be evicted. If the tenant pays the rent, he should not be evicted.

Is it possible to be evicted even though you pay rent maybe not on time but you still pay rent meaning there is no back rent but you don?

A tenant can be evicted for habitually paying their rent late. In Massachusetts, being late twice in twelve months is grounds for eviction.

Can a tenant be evicted in Michigan if in bankruptcy?

Bankruptcy does not relieve a tenant from paying his rent: it's not a debt. Rent is due in advance of the rental period and is not an extension of credit. Oh, and a landlord cannot evict a tenant simply because he filed for bankruptcy.

Do you have to pay back rent if you get your unemployment?

Yes. Most landlords do want their rent money and will only allow a certain period of time, before they have a tenant evicted for nonpayment of rent.

Does the rent need to be paid if the property is in defualt?

Aslong as the landlord is the legal owner of the property (inquire at the registry of deeds), the tenant is obligated to pay the rent to him.

Can a landlord kick you out even if you rent out a bedroom?

Yes. This practice is called subleasing. If the landlord doesn't allow for subleasing then the tenant can be evicted.

Can I use security deposit to offset back rent after my tenant was evicted for default on rent?

Probably. You can in California and I expect most other places that are based on British common law.

Does a cosigner have to pay the rent when tenant dies suddendly?

I'm pretty sure the cosigner doesn't have to pay it. If the tenant dies suddenly, I wouldn't think his/her family would be obligated to pay the rent, because I'm sure they would move everything out when the tenant dies.

Tenant failure to vacate property at end of lease?

Then he is called a holdover tenant, who can be charged up to twice the amount of normal rent until he leaves, and can be evicted for non-payment if he doesn't pay it.

What is an AC Rent and Possession charge in the state of Missouri?

In my experience, AC Rent and Possession is a court filing to have one evicted from a rental property. Basically, someone violated a lease or contract by not paying rent or other obligated rent related debt.

Can a landlord evict a business tenant while there in chapter 13 bankruptcy?

A business cannot file a chapter 13. But a person can be evicted if he does not pay rent.

What can happen if you don't pay the last month's rent?

If a person does not pay the previous months rent, they can most likely be evicted. The landlord can ask the tenant to leave on their own or start the eviction process.