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The FBI has paid informants, who are not agents, and undercover agents who try to infiltrate criminal gangs and organizations, mostly within the US. There is usually an FBI agent attached to and serving at every US embassy in foreign nations, but there is also a CIA person at every embassy, and if the FBI agent picks up any information of an intelligence type he is supposed to pass that information along to the CIA person. WITHIN THE US the FBI is the counter intelligence agency, meaning, one of the jobs of the FBI is to catch the spies of other countries operating within the US. So what we have is a situation where the CIA and a couple of dozen other agencies do the spying for the US outside the country, while within the US the FBI is trying to catch foreign spies. In most other countries these two functions are combined in a single agency, which might be the better idea. The CIA and the FBI are jealous of each other, and do not always share information as one might hope. Sometimes one has information and it does not occur to that one that the other might want or need to know it. The result is, the US is often surprised, and not in a good way. One of the reasons for having an intelligence apparatus to begin with is to prevent nasty surprises, after all. This split personality of the US when it comes to intelligence/counter intelligence goes back to the days of the founding of the OSS, which was the predecessor of the CIA. This was done when Franklin Roosevelt was president, during WWII. There was a need for more intelligence than was being delivered from Army Intelligence and Navy Intelligence, and Roosevelt liked to set up rivalries, in the hopes that a rivalry would stimulate both rivals to greater efforts. The FBI had been around for a while, and its head, J. Edgar Hoover, was a master at promoting himself and his Bureau in the press. Hoover was the head of the FBI for fifty years, and died in office. Most presidents were afraid to try to fire him. So Roosevelt set up the OSS to gather intelligence, and keep that function out of Hoover's control. Hoover was not always the best or most honest investigator - he spent more than thirty years claiming there was no such thing as the Mafia, for instance, and therefore, no need to try to catch Mafia guys. From the start of this arrangement any cooperation between the FBI and the OSS, and later the CIA, has been on a case by case basis, instead of a routine thing. So its turned out to be a horrible idea, but we've labored under the disadvantages it puts us under for seventy years now, so no one is likely to change it.

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Q: Can spies work for the FBI?
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What do the spies in the FBI use?

There are no spies in the FBI. The FBI uses Undercover Agents to get evidence on criminals in this country. The agency for spies is the CIA. The CIA sends out agents to work undercover in foreign countries. They are called spies. All undercover work involves using false identities, getting close to the people who have the information you need, getting them to accept you and talk in front of you, and having a safe way to deliver reports to your home office.

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The FBI and Army and Navy counterintelligence agents and OSS agents spied on the spies to prevent them from gathering info

Was Cleopatra a spie?

Absolutely not. Cleopatra was a ruler. If she needed spies (which she did as did all ancient rulers) others did the work for her.Absolutely not. Cleopatra was a ruler. If she needed spies (which she did as did all ancient rulers) others did the work for her.Absolutely not. Cleopatra was a ruler. If she needed spies (which she did as did all ancient rulers) others did the work for her.Absolutely not. Cleopatra was a ruler. If she needed spies (which she did as did all ancient rulers) others did the work for her.Absolutely not. Cleopatra was a ruler. If she needed spies (which she did as did all ancient rulers) others did the work for her.Absolutely not. Cleopatra was a ruler. If she needed spies (which she did as did all ancient rulers) others did the work for her.Absolutely not. Cleopatra was a ruler. If she needed spies (which she did as did all ancient rulers) others did the work for her.Absolutely not. Cleopatra was a ruler. If she needed spies (which she did as did all ancient rulers) others did the work for her.Absolutely not. Cleopatra was a ruler. If she needed spies (which she did as did all ancient rulers) others did the work for her.

What other government organization does the FBI work with?

The FBI works alone.

Who does the FBI work for?

The government.

Is there a real american spies?

Yes. There are real American spies. Many of them work for the Central Intelligence Agency.

How much FBI get money they earning?

If you become work like FBI will earnings $48,890

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Who do spies work for?

Anyone, but mostly country governments.