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If you legally own the dog then no, they can't keep your lost dog.

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Q: Can someone keep my lost dog and not return it?
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What do you do if you find a lost dog?

Check for a tag. If the dog has a collar tag, call or visit the address and and return the dog.If the dog does not have a tag, take it to a shelter to get its microchip scanned.Put up posters locally and wait for someone to respond.Take it to a local non-kill shelter.

If you find a dog with no tags and find the owners and return the dog and the dog is running loose again can you keep it?

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How long before a lost dog can be mine?

you should see if he has a micro chip and return him to his owner

Name something you see on a lost dog list?

Usually, there will be the dog's name, type of dog (or description) and a phone number to call should you find the dog. Occasionally, there is a reward for its return.

What should one do to find a lost dog?

If someone wishes to find a lost dog there are a a variety of ways that someone can do so. They can place posters around their area, put in an ad on Gumtree or any other forms like that.

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The girl's dog was lost

If a dog is lost in a large cornfield. how do you find it?

If a dog is lost in a cornfield, first call the dog while walking around the field to locate it. If the dog is not found, another option is to wait 24 hours to see if the dog comes home. If the dog does not return in 24 hours, a Pet Amber Alert could be an option.

The dog spisty is lost how do you get the dog to be found?

You can hang flyers, drive around where your dog got lost, call any local shelters to see if they have your dog and ask them to call you if they find it, call the vet offices in your area to see if someone called saying they found a dog, put an lost dog notice in the newspaper. Good luck finding your dog!

Should you get another dog to keep your dog who lost its companion?

That's up to you, but some dogs want their home all to themselves.

How can you find your lost dog when it had lost for two days?

Try getting a container half-full with its food and rattle it around your street, calling your dog's name. You could post fliers around your neighborhood and your town in hopes that someone has seen him. If that doesn't work, you could post an ad in the newspaper. A reward would be advisable so a person would want to return him/her.

What tools can someone use to find lost dogs?

A good tool to find a lost dog is to be sure before the dog gets lost at all, that the dog has a locator chip inside them. This way when one can not find their dog since it ran off, the computer chip inside is able to locate the whereabouts of the dog and can even track where the dog has ever been since the chip was inserted.

What does a dog do with a collar?

A dog wears a collar. Usually a dog collar being worn signifies that a dog belongs to someone and often dog ID tags will be fixed to the dog collar so that a dog can be quickly returned to his owner if he gets lost.