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If there isn't any other reason (like a court order saying that you can't) then yes you can see your child.

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Q: Can someone get taken off child support and still have the rights to see their child?
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If a mom in Oklahoma signs away her rights to a 14 year old does she still pay child support?

The court will decide. Giving up your rights does not fulfill your obligations to support the child. Someone has to support the child, and you are the mother.

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You still have to pay child support. Parental rights and child support are 2 separated issues. You have to pay for your child unless the child gets adopted.

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If you relinquish your parental rights, you are still not going to get child support payments. The child support is for the child.

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Yes unless the child is adopted by a step-parent or someone

If you sign over your rights to a child do you still owe child support?

Not from that moment but you still owe if you owed prior to the signing away. Someone else paid for your child and should get their money back.

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No, giving up your parental rights and paying child support are two separate issues. You will still have to support your child.

If you sign over your parental rights to a child in Maryland do you still have to pay child support?

Yes. Parental rights are yours and you can sign them away. You cannot, however, sign away the child's rights, and one of those rights is the right to support. If you're signing away your rights so that someone else may adopt the child, once they do so you should be absolved from the responsibility to keep paying child support.

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You can sign away your rights, but you will still owe for child support. The child is yours.

In Kentucky what is the law on signing your rights away and not paying child support?

You can sign your rights away but you will still have to pay child support if you are the father or mother of the child. There is no way to avoid paying child support.

If you get up parental rights do you still have to pay child support?

Yes, Its still your child... The child still needs to eat and live.

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Termination of parental rights does not terminate one's child support obligation.

What if the father does not whant nothing to do with child and he gives up his rights does he still have to pay child support?

He will still have to pay support until/unless the child is adopted.