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No because your Employer is dead. I killed him.

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Q: Can repo agents bring notes to your employer?
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Related questions

How can you stop a repo?

The #1 best way to stop a repo is to PAY YOUR NOTES or make arrangements with the LENDER. The lenders starts the repo, they stop the repo. Pay your bill.

What is the average salary for a repo man?

I'm in NJ and pay 100 per repo, 50 for vol, I also pay close fees to my agents

In the state of Illinois can the repo man bring a police man to help him repo your car?

An officer can be called to keep the peace. Otherwise, a repo is a civil issue.

Is it true that in Texas if they come to repo your car you can tell them to drop it and they have to leave?

YES, it is true in ANY state EXCEPT CA and FL.,there if its on the hook or in the agents control, its a repo.

Are badges required by repo agents?

not at all somtimes its better too use one as intemedation

Can a repo person come into your closed garage and get the car?

NO. Have him arrested if he did that. _____ Sue the lender/bank do not waste your time with the Repo guys; they are agents of the bank so the bank is responsible for their conduct.

Can Cars be-Re pro on employer property?

yes you can repo on work property as long as the work does not tell you other wise IE most hospitals will not allow you to repo on there property

Is there a repo man's law book for Ohio for their rights?

Ohio does not licsense recovery agents as a profession. See

Can repo agent bring sheriff to my property if vehicle is not relinquished?

yes they can

Is it legal for a repo man go to a family members job and speak to their employer?

It depends on what he said. He cannot divulge non-public information to a 3rd party...(Employer, family members)

How do you become certified for auto repo in ny?

As a nyc repo man myself there really aren't any certificates for repo agents, If you use a tow truck then you need a cdl lic. If you are just an investigator no other license other than a NYS Drivers license is needed

Is it true repo agents must verify VIN before taking the vehicle?

Yes, it is true that repossession agents must verify VINs before taking a vehicle. They have to be certain that they have the correct vehicle.