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Yes, if the officer starts the pursuit in his jurisdiction he can stop you where you stop. Is my understanding of the law.

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Q: Can police cross state lines to pull you over I live on the TN GA state line. If the police flashes blue lights 200 ft before I cross the GA line and I pull in TN Can they give me a ticket?
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When Gatsby drives Nick into the city how does Gatsby get out of a speeding ticket?

He flashes his card to the police officer.

Can you get a ticket for pulling into a business instead of pulling over to the right when the police flashes his lights at you?

no. If you have a cell phone call 911 and explain what you are doing. If you do not don't worry about just pull over where you feel safe.

Can you be a police officer if you have been issued a ticket before?

It depends on the policies of the local police department. It isn't illegal to do so, and most police departments will hire officers if they have a ticket, as long as the ticket is for something minor, such as speeding.

Does ticket for no tail lights go on your driving record?

Yes, a ticket for no tail lights will go on a persons record. It can be dropped if the person gets the problem fixed before the court date on the ticket.

Would you get a ticket even if the police did not pull you over and check your license?

You can. Several areas have photo enforcement for speeding, or red lights.

Does a unmarked police car have to pull you over to give you a ticket?

Yes, the way they pull you over is they have lights in behind the grille and they have lights in the back window and sometimes they have lights on there mirrors. The answer is No they can not ticket you .... For one it is an unmarked car police officer or not just because they have lights where ever does mean anything ... they have no stickers magnets or decals stating who they are they may have a badge but still they can not ticket you if they pull you over they can check ur licese and registration or whaatever but they have to call for back up .. been there trust me i fought it in court and won the traffic judge told the undercover officer it is illegal to ticket while driving an unmarked car

In chapter 4 when Gatsby drives Nick into the city how does Gatsby get out of a speeding ticket?

He flashes his card to the police officer (apex)

Can a school give you a ticket in Texas?

From a student: They call the police, and from there the police can decide whether to give you a ticket or not.

Can police give you a ticket if they don't have their lights on at night?

Yes. Police get paid to know the law and follow it. I assume you got nailed speeding while the cop was parked somewhere with his headlights off? That's perfectly legal.

Does a police officer in New York City have to ask you to move your car before giving you a parking ticket?

A police officer is under no obligation to ask a person to move a car before writing a ticket. However, if the officer sees the owner close to the car, they have the ability to warn the person, if they can move the car immediately.

How do you make a sentence with the word a ticket?

The police gave him a ticket for speeding.

If you go to court and the police officer does not show up is the ticket dropped?

In most cases if the officer doesn't show up to court the ticket is dropped, but it depends on where you get your ticket. If you get a ticket in my home town the officers don't have to show up and you'll still have to go before a judge or pay the ticket.