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being researched in the antarctic as we speak

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absolutely NOT

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Q: Can penguins be cannibals
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Can a penguin eat a penguin?

no penguins are not cannibals

Were Mayas cannibals?

Were the mayans cannibals?

What is the collective noun for cannibals?

the collective noun for cannibals is a group as cannibals are just people who eat meat!

Are Bengal tigers cannibals?

No, Bengal tigers are not cannibals.

When was Landshut Cannibals created?

Landshut Cannibals was created in 1948.

When was Longview Cannibals created?

Longview Cannibals was created in 1912.

Are cannibals allowed to eat human flesh?

Cannibals are not allowed to eat people. but eating people is why they are cannibals so...............................................they do anyway.

Snakes are cannibals aren't they?

No, snakes are not cannibals. There are snakes that eat other snakes, but cannibals are humans who eat human flesh.

What is the duration of Hillside Cannibals?

The duration of Hillside Cannibals is 1.5 hours.

What part of speech is cannibals?

Cannibals is a noun. It refers to a type of person.

What happened to the hillbilly cannibals on West Virginia?

Yes there are cannibals in west VirgIna

When did Fine Young Cannibals end?

Fine Young Cannibals ended in 1996.