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Q: Can parents give money to disabled adult child?
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When an adult child uses a disabled mother to get money and promised to pay and do not?

Contact the police.

Can an attorney collect unpaid fees from the parent of a child who is not a minor if the child owes the attorney money from a criminal case?

Generally, parents are not responsible for the debts of their adult children. (Sometimes there are exceptions for severely disabled children.)

Can the parents of a 19 year old legally take the child's money?

Not in most jurisdictions. Once a they are an adult, their money belongs to them.

Can a emancipated child receive money from a deceased parents life insurance?

An emancipated child is considered an adult. They are entitled to receive any benefits assigned to them. If they are not emancipated, the money will go into a trust for them.

Can an adult child sue his or her parents for money that was in a will for the child but the parents stole it?

Depends upon a number of factors. Was the child a minor when the will was executed? If so, probably not. And what was the amount? Hardley worth it for a few thousand dollars. What was the wording of the will? That can make a difference about how the money could be used. Consult an attorney, but I'd be thinking twice about suing my own parents, most juries aren't going to like someone suing their folks.

Is the money for the foster parents or the child in foster care?

The money is to cover the expenses for the child but it's the foster parents that manage the money.

If a spouse pays child support on a Tuesday when will the child receive the money?

The child does not receive the money, the adult responsible for the child gets the money.

If adult child no longer at homes has medical bills and no money can creditors come after the parents?

... nothing about this makes sense... What is your question? And keep the explanation straight.

If your a under age mother and the father is an older adult how can you get child support?

The age of the parents has no bearing on child support. All the State cares about is who are the biological parents, who has custody, and how much money does each parent make. You get child support by filing a child support case with the Attorney General's office in your state.

Can an adult sue a father for not paying child support?

No, the child can not. The other parent could before the child was an adult. The money goes to the parent to use for the child and not directly to the child.

If you throw your child out of the house and he is 19 is it true that the government can get involved and give the parents two choices - take the child back or pay money to house them?

It depends on the age of majority in your state. If the child is legally an adult then you have no further responsibility.

Is there a gift tax on money given to adult children by their parents?
