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yes she/he can because that person is 18 years or older, unless there is a court order preventing further contact in addition to the termination of parental rights.

But if the adopting parents opt for a "closed adoption" the birth parents may not have any way to get in contact with the birth child (depending on state)

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Q: Can parent who gave up parental rights contact the child after he is legal age?
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How do you get parental rights if you have never been married?

You get parental rights by being the parent of a child. Marriage has nothing to do with it. If the other parent won't allow you contact with your child, you must file in civil court.

What are the rights of parents that have signed over their parental rights?

no rights none until the child is older and the parent can explain the reasons for giving up parental rights and then it is up to the child to make a decision to have a relationship with that parent

Does my husband have to assume parental rights for my child in order for the father of my child to terminate his parental rights in Alabama?

No. The biological father can give up his rights and if your husband then want to be more than a step parent, who have no rights to the child, can adopt your child. Or not, that is your choice as the parent.

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A parent has parental rights until they have been terminated by a court order.A parent has parental rights until they have been terminated by a court order.A parent has parental rights until they have been terminated by a court order.A parent has parental rights until they have been terminated by a court order.

Is it legal in Michigan for a biological parent to contact a minor adoptee after termination of parental rights?

No, any contact between the child and anyone else is entirely up to the adoptive parents even if it is the biological parent.

Can a father sign over parental rights to an unborn child in Alabama?

That is a decision made by the court. A court can grant a partial or complete Termination of Parental Rights if the judge feels it is warranted for reasons other than said parent is relieved of his or her financial obligation to their minor child/children. Generally voluntary TPR's (those requested by a parent) are only granted when a child is being legally adopted.

If a mother signs over her parental rights can the fathers wife adopt the child without her consent?

If a biological parent gives up their parental rights, then the spouse of the other parent is able to adopt the child. The parent who gave up their rights has no say in the matter.

How does a parent go about voluntarily relinqishing the rights to a child?

In general, parental rights are terminated either preparatory to an adoption, or after a trial in which it is determined that the parent is unfit. In any case, termination of parental rights does not, in itself, terminate child support.

What are the legal step parent rights in Tennessee?

For a step parent to have parental rights over the step child they would have to adopt.

Does the parent still have financial obligations after signing over parental rights?

Termination of parental rights does not, in itself, terminate child support.

How long does a man have to go without any contact with the child before you could file for sole custody and or terminate his parental rights?

There is no hard and fast rule. The Court must determine that it is in the best interest of the child that parental rights be terminated. Contact with the child is considered, but many other issues are also considered.

If a parent chooses NOT to have any contact with their biological child for over a year can their parental rights be terminated?

If your parental rights were terminated and your child was legally adopted your chances are slim that any court will reverse that order. Think of your child. If the child was adopted and has adapted to a new family it would be extremely disruptive to remove the child from that home. There must have been extreme circumstances for the court to terminate your parental rights in the first place. Your problems and instability should not continue to affect the child. You should consult with an attorney who can review your situation and explain your options, if any, or your lack of rights to be involved in your child's life.