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It depends on whether there are other children. The last parent's estate must be probated and title to the property will pass under the Will or to the legal heirs at law according to the laws of intestacy if there is no Will.

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Q: Can one child remain in house after last parent dies?
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What happen if a parent dies and they gave the house to there child and took a loan on there home for repairs what happen to the balance of the loan?

the child continue to pay the loan of her his parents

If there is no will and the step parent dies first the spouse inherits everything then dies with the natural child living in the householdbut there are children of the step-parent outside of the house?

If there is no will, the law normally splits the estate between the spouse and the natural children.

If a deed to a house is put into a child's name and the parent dies is the house part of the parents estate?

There are a number of factors involved. Did the child buy it from the parent? Is it by right of survivorship? How long ago did the transfer take place? You will need to consult a probate attorney in your jurisdiction.

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It depends on who the home is willed to.

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yes, if the step parent name is assigned to the child.

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A non-custodial parent is responsible to pay child support whether or not the custodial parent has a boyfriend or a husband or not. This responsibility continues until the child reaches the age of 18 years unless the child dies or the court takes some action to end that responsibility.

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If a parent dies can sibling who has looked after them remain in the house even though a will has left the house to be shared between 2 siblings?

* The Will will go into probate first. If a sibling chooses to live in the house then they would have to buy the house from the other siblings and if this is not possible then the house will be sold and monies put into the total Estate.

What happens with child support when parent being paid dies and child is now in guardianship care?

The guardian gets the child support, but the child can receive social security on behalf of the deceased parent until they are 18.

If a parent dies while house in foreclosure?

The executor of the estate represents the decedent.

The name of the Money for a child when a parent dies?

inheritance, at least I think that's how you spell it

When a custodial parent dies is child support from a non custodial parent still due?

Of course. Unless the non-custodial parent takes sole custody, the non-custodial parent is still responsible for paying child support to whomever the child goes to. There is no reason the death of a parent should terminate the other parent's child support obligation.