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From what you're saying, your wife isn't presently, and shouldn't be, in a position of care for your child. Your case will depend on the brainpower and commonsense of the authorities who hear that case. Because your child's health, wellbeing and future depend on the outcome you might need to take good legal advice and maybe retain good legal representation. This costs money, but a child's future is at stake. Depending on where you live you might be eligible for government assistance in stating your case. Maintain and keep as much documentation as possible; this not only assists your case but shows you are a responsible and caring parent. Of course, your wife's own case will be taken into consideration when custody is determined. Good luck to your child.

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Q: Can my wife get temporary or sole custody of my child after she recently attempted suicide and left my child with me for 6 weeks and left the state.?
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There does not appear to be a Kentucky Statute that defines suicide or attempted suicide as a crime. KRS 216.300-308 deals with assisted suicide which is a crime in Kentucky.

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