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In the US, at the age of 18 you are legally an adult (in some states it is 16). At this point your parents have no legal reign over you. However, if you still live in their house, or they still support you - you should always keep in mind the ramifications of going against their will (ie. no more support, kicking you out, etc.). Under the age of 18 (or 16 in some states), you have free will (granted by God I suppose), but are still a legal charge of your parents (ie. running away by yourself would be a crime or with someone who is over 18 could be considered a form of kidnapping). Don't forget to consider that usually parents want what is best for their kids. If they are extremely adamant against you dating a certain individual, it might be time to evaluate why they feel that way. Try asking them for a reason. Don't let them get away with "because I said so." They may have a good point for why you shouldn't date them.

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Q: Can my parents tell me who i can date after im 18?
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In Texas Can your parents still tell you what to do Im 17?

Yes. 18 is the legal adult age.

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No, it is not illegal to date. And the age of consent in Texas is 16. There only thing stopping them would be the parents.

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depends on where you live and what your parents think. I've had alot of boyfreinds and never have told my parents about any of them. (i know im bad) its illegal to date anyone over 18 and for anyone over 18 to date anyone younger than them. i reccoment dating guys your age or only slightly older.

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Sit them both down and just flat out tell them. Don't be defensive or guarded. they may feel upset but you have to help them accept it.

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Just tell them straight, they can't exactly force you to stop seeing each other. If you love each other then there is nothing wrong is there?

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ask your parents what height they were when they were 18

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I would tell them 'i think im old enough to date , what do you think?"

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In India you can go to a doctor and tell them about it. They should not tell the parent since you are over 18 years of age.

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I have no idea but that's the same thing that's happening to me but you may want your bf to tell his parents that you guys are dating. Im helpless though cuz hes not allowed to date.