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No, child support cannot be cleared in a bankruptcy.

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Q: Can my ex put his child support on his chapter 10 and not have to pay child support?
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Can a father be put on child support if the child is 16 years old and will he have to pay back pay?


If you sign over guardianship to the grandparents do you still have to pay child support?

yes if the grandparents put you on child support.

If you pay child support and had to put money into your business out of your savings does it change the rights?

It won't change your child support obligation.

When can you put the father of your child on child support?

If married, when you divorce him and if single when the child is born. He will then have to prove paternity in court and can then petition for visitation, custody and also pay child support.

Do you have to pay support for a child who you have been voluntary put in a group home in MD?


If im not receiving no child support money cause the father locked up?

An obligor who fails to pay child support pursuant to an order can be put in jail.

You have not been put on the bierth certifate of my son do you have to pay child support?

Yes! If the mother has a child support case agaist you , the court will issue an order for DNA test. Once it's proven that you are the father, you pay.

Can child support be put aside in a trust fund while father is stuggling to pay to ex wife?

The child support must be paid over as ordered in the child support order. The obligor cannot decide to pay it into a trust without a court order.The child support must be paid over as ordered in the child support order. The obligor cannot decide to pay it into a trust without a court order.The child support must be paid over as ordered in the child support order. The obligor cannot decide to pay it into a trust without a court order.The child support must be paid over as ordered in the child support order. The obligor cannot decide to pay it into a trust without a court order.

How much child support should be paid per child?

To identify how much child support you need to pay, must felling out the working sheet of child support and put the both income vs expenses and need for the children invold and is % will be calculate and that's what responsible parent should be pay for child support. See a legal or assistan they can help you to fill that information out.

If the fathers name is on the birth certificate does he have to pay child support if he and the mother aggree not to?

If the mother doesn't seek a child support order no one will make the father pay. However, keep in mind that the mother can always change her mind and get back child support in the future. If the child and/or mother are receiving any state assistance the father will be required to pay child support.Fathers are responsible for supporting their children. If the mother doesn't need the child support then she should put it in the bank for the child's collegeeducation.

You are now an adult in Pinal County Arizona as a child your mother did not pay child support payments she was ordered to Can you put a stop to Back child support payments?

The courts may approve you/your Mom's request to waive past-due support.

If i moving out of country with my daughter does her dad still have to pay child support?

You/your child's moving out of country would not, in itself, affect the father's support obligation. But hopefully he try to put a stop to it.