Impose LOTS of fines and suspend your licence even longer and if its 1st offense might impose community service as well, secondary and on carry possible jailtime along with suspencions and fines.
Read your governing documents, including any board resolutions that impose fines. Your board or association management company can help you understand the limit of behaviours which are fine-able offences.
Obamacare as we know it now will impose a $3,800 tax on a family not covered by health insurance.
Only governments impose civil or criminal fines, and those fined have appael rights. Employers can deduct NOTHING from your pay without your prior written permission - no fed taxes, not Social Security, not med benefits. Not "fines".
If you're comparing one state to another state, it's because states make their own laws for traffic regulations.
No. Levy means to impose a tax or fine on someone. For example: The town has the right to levy fines on anyone who is caught dumping on city property.
None, although the league usually reviews major penalties (other than fighting) and could impose additional discipline such as fines or suspensions.
excessive fines shall not be impose and if death penalty is already imposed shall be reduced into life imprisonment. excessive fines, penalty which is inhuman like garrote, and being imprison because of debt....... cannot be imposed in a criminal case.
The Landlords was created in 1983.
They do; judges are those primarily responsible for deciding what punishments (jailtime, fines, reparation) will be given to a convicted offender, in accordance with the laws of that region.
"Impose to" is not idiomatic English. You can say "impose on" in a sentence such as "I hate to impose on you, but do you happen to have any Grey Poupon?"
"The Tail Twister" is an officer and the "pep master" of his/her Lions Club. Their duties are to instill enthusiasm and good fellowship in the meetings, and to keep harmony. They are empowered to impose, as well as collect, fines from the members.