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The actual act of surveying a piece of property can be conducted at anytime. It sounds as if the DIVISION of the property among the heirs is going to be in dispute.

It sounds as if either the Executor of the Estate OR the Probate Court may have ordered the survey in order to determine an equitable split of the property among the named heirs.

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Q: Can land be surveyed without all heirs agreeing?
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If A conveyed farm land to B with life estate and B dies before A who will own the land?

The fee was conveyed to B. The farm will descend to B's heirs subject to the life estate of A. B's estate must be probated in order for title to the land to pass to her heirs. If B died without a will the land will pass to her heirs according to the state laws of intestacy.

How do you use surveyed in a sentence?

The properties were surveyed by a land surveyor in order to resolve the boundary line dispute.

How can you leave land to your heirs and restrict the sale of this land needing it to be passed on down to the heirs heirs?

You should consult with an attorney who specializes in trust law.

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This is the surveyed edge of a land lot.

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What is escheatment?

Historically, under feudal law when a land tenant died without heirs the land would escheat back to the lord. Today when a person dies with no heirs their property escheats to the state. If a legitimate heir comes forward later with proof of their relationship they can claim the property. The state has no interest in taking property from rightful heirs.

What is gromatics?

Gromatics is the science of surveying, most commonly surveyed is land.

What gives anybody the right to pass on ownership of land to their families when they pass away?

Though laws can vary from state to state, generally when a land owner dies without a will, the law states that real property (land) is to be divided between the heirs. If the deceased left a Will, the property can be left to a specific heir or heirs or to someone else.

If your neighbor has there land surveyed do you get a copy and does it become public knowledge?

Only if the survey is recorded in the land records.

Who are the heirs and assigns on a quit claim deed?

The words heirs and assigns in a deed mean the conveyance is in fee simple which is absolute ownership. The grantee can transfer the land to a new owner (assigns) or, if she dies while owning the land, it will pass to her heirs by her will or by the laws of intestacy if there is no will.The words heirs and assigns in a deed mean the conveyance is in fee simple which is absolute ownership. The grantee can transfer the land to a new owner (assigns) or, if she dies while owning the land, it will pass to her heirs by her will or by the laws of intestacy if there is no will.The words heirs and assigns in a deed mean the conveyance is in fee simple which is absolute ownership. The grantee can transfer the land to a new owner (assigns) or, if she dies while owning the land, it will pass to her heirs by her will or by the laws of intestacy if there is no will.The words heirs and assigns in a deed mean the conveyance is in fee simple which is absolute ownership. The grantee can transfer the land to a new owner (assigns) or, if she dies while owning the land, it will pass to her heirs by her will or by the laws of intestacy if there is no will.

How did the custom of dividing land among one heirs help the rich?

The custom of dividing land among heirs helped the rich maintain their wealth by allowing them to pass down assets to their children without risking the fragmentation of their holdings. By dividing the land, each heir could assume ownership of a portion of their parents' estates, preserving the family's affluence over generations.

Why do you say actually?

Land was surveyed after purchased and it is only 1.73 acres not 3.5 acres.