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They can but if the parents disagree with the exposure, they can put a stop to it by reducing time exposed or eliminating it altogether. The Grandparents should run it by the parents first for consent.

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Q: Can grandparents teach grandchildren religion without parents consent?
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Because the child's parents parents are called grandparents.

What is a group of lineages?

Your ancestry. Those you have descended from are your ancestors. My lineage includes my parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, etc., in my past, and my children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc. in my future.

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Your ancestry. Those you have descended from are your ancestors. My lineage includes my parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, etc., in my past, and my children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc. in my future.

Do grandchildren have rights to their grandparents even if the children's parents are living?

Grandparents have no legal right to have custody over their grandchildren like parents do. Any relative have the same right to petition for custody if the parents are gone. If the parents are there they are the ones deciding where the child will live.Grandparents can have the right to petition for visitation though depending on which state they are in. That is something other relatives don't have. The laws differs on grandparents rights. The court usually don't go against parents wishes though.Another PerspectiveYou asked about grandchildren's rights to their grandparents. Unfortunately, the parents have the right to make decisions for their minor children. If the parents decide to keep their children from seeing their grandparents they may do so.

In the state of Missouri can you move in with your grandparents without your parents consent at the age of 16?


Could you give parental rights of your child to your mother and father?

The grandparents must petition the court for a guardianship and both parents must consent.The grandparents must petition the court for a guardianship and both parents must consent.The grandparents must petition the court for a guardianship and both parents must consent.The grandparents must petition the court for a guardianship and both parents must consent.

What parts do grandparents parents children play in shabbat?

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Can grandparents take child from mother if they claim and have proof child has been living with them?

They can try but they will not win unless you are unsuitable parents. Some states have laws regarding grandparents rights to see their grandchildren so they can win visitation right if you are in such state.

Can a seventeen-year-old live with his grandparents without his parents' consent in Mississippi?

If he is legally emancipated, or both parents are deemed unfit, or if the grandparents gain legal custody, then yes.

What does family background mean?

the person's parents or grandparents information, religion what they did etc.

How do you get out of having to see your grandparents?

Unless your parents do not like children or are abusive to you then do not be selfish and immature and give them the pleasure of seeing you because most grandparents love their grandchildren. Be mature and realize that you will give great joy by visiting your grandparents.

Is there a law in Texas that states a grandmother does not have the right to bathe with her grandson without parental consent?

Not specifically regarding bathing but the parents always have the right to decide who the child will see and what the child has the right to do and what the person looking after him is allowed to do with or to their child. Grandparents have no legal right to their grandchildren, it's only as much as parents allow.