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The government does have the right to draft people into the army and send them to fight in a war.

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Q: Can federal government send anyone to war?
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The Civil War increased the power of the Federal government.

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The states must obey the rules and laws of Federal Government.

The Constitution says the federal government has the power to declare war and engage in warfare. Which is a legal responsibility of the government concerning foreign war policies?

The federal government and its agencies must act ethically during war.

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Both the federal and the Missouri government ave executive and legislative components. The Federal government has the power to declare war while the Mississippi government does not.

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The federal government was weakened

What is one power of the federal government?

to declare war

How was the authority of the federal government affected by the war?

It was strengthened.

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The spies were the cause of rumors of a military takeover of the Federal government in the US Civil War.

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How did the federal government change the civil war?

After the Civil War, the government more directly influenced the everyday lives of Americans.