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The number of employees has nothing to do with whether they can be sued or not.

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Q: Can employer be sued for sexual harassment if employer has less than 15 employees?
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(1) courts have been generally less sympathetic in supervisor to employee (as opposed to employee to employee) e-harassment;

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You can go to the police and let them take care of it, because harassment if it is verbal, or sexual or whatever, is harassment none the less, and they can get in big trouble for that.

How much does sexual harassment training cost?

Training costs vary depending on the method of delivery and the length of time. Online courses are typically less expensive.

What are an employer's options when all employees stage a sick out?

He can certainly fire everyone involved and hire new people who are less confrontational.

How did Anita Hill die?

Anita Hill, at the time of this writing, is alive and well. She was born in 1956 and is an attorney and academic. She is known for accusing U.S. Supreme Court justice (then nominee) Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment. The debates generated by Hill influenced how sexual harassment in the workplace was viewed and dealt with. It is now much less tolerated than it once was.

How is Sexual Assault different from Sexual Harassment?

Sexual Assault is a crime while Sexual Harassment is not. (That statement is false! My boss put perverted pictures of himself and videos on my work computer and I went to the police! That is a criminal offense even though he didn't touch touch me.)

What are the advantages of having a motivated workforce?

If your work force is motivated it will cost the employer less money in the long run. Motivated employees work harder.

Who pays for a background search - employer or the potential employee?

Typically, the employer pays for the background search as part of the hiring process. It is considered a business expense for the employer and helps them make informed decisions about potential employees. In some cases, the cost may be passed onto the potential employee, but this is less common.

What are the advantages of intrapreneurship?

1.Flow of new innovative ideas 2. Dedicated work from the employees 3.Employees turnover will be more less 4.Good relation between employee & employer 5.Internal stability.

Can an employer offer health insurance to one employee but not to his other employees?

Yes, if the employees are different classes -- such as full-time versus part-time, or year-round versus seasonal. Even under the health reform employer mandate, the employer is not required to offer coverage to people working less than 30 hours per week or fewer than 120 days a year.

What are the working conditions of women employees with less education and skills?

Women employees with less education and skills may face challenges such as lower wages, limited job opportunities, lack of advancement opportunities, and higher likelihood of working in low-paying or informal sectors. They may also experience discrimination, harassment, and lack of access to training and support programs. These factors can contribute to a cycle of poverty and economic insecurity for these women.