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Yes, if it was done by an informal agreement between the parties. If the custody order was modified in court then the custodial parent must return to court to request a return to the original custody arrangement.

Yes, if it was done by an informal agreement between the parties. If the custody order was modified in court then the custodial parent must return to court to request a return to the original custody arrangement.

Yes, if it was done by an informal agreement between the parties. If the custody order was modified in court then the custodial parent must return to court to request a return to the original custody arrangement.

Yes, if it was done by an informal agreement between the parties. If the custody order was modified in court then the custodial parent must return to court to request a return to the original custody arrangement.

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12y ago

Yes, if it was done by an informal agreement between the parties. If the custody order was modified in court then the custodial parent must return to court to request a return to the original custody arrangement.

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Q: Can custodial parent change his mind about previous consent for child to live with with non custodial parent?
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In Massachusetts If the custodial Parent kicks the 16 year old out can he live with a friend without the custodial parents consent Can the non-custodial parent give consent for him to live with us?

you would have to take the matter to child services but i believe so.

Can a Canadian child of divorce be put on Television with out custodial parents consent?

No. The non-custodial parent does not have the legal power to consent to the child being filmed.

Can the custodial parent change a visitation order with out a judges consent?

No, and many jurisdictions take denial of visitation very seriously (as they should!).

Can a custodial parent servering in the military move the child to another state without the non-custodial parents consent?

No. The custodial parent must obtain the court's approval and the consent of the non-custodial parent, if possible. Courts do not take it lightly when a child is separated from a parent with visitation rights. The court will examine the situation and address the matter in the best interest of the child.No. The custodial parent must obtain the court's approval and the consent of the non-custodial parent, if possible. Courts do not take it lightly when a child is separated from a parent with visitation rights. The court will examine the situation and address the matter in the best interest of the child.No. The custodial parent must obtain the court's approval and the consent of the non-custodial parent, if possible. Courts do not take it lightly when a child is separated from a parent with visitation rights. The court will examine the situation and address the matter in the best interest of the child.No. The custodial parent must obtain the court's approval and the consent of the non-custodial parent, if possible. Courts do not take it lightly when a child is separated from a parent with visitation rights. The court will examine the situation and address the matter in the best interest of the child.

Will the judge change custody over to the non custodial parent if the custodial parent went to prison?

The non-custodial parent should petition the court immediately to change the custody order.The non-custodial parent should petition the court immediately to change the custody order.The non-custodial parent should petition the court immediately to change the custody order.The non-custodial parent should petition the court immediately to change the custody order.

Can a custodial parent sign over temporary custody if the non custodial parent is in prison?

No. Only the court can enter an order of temporary custody. With the non-custodial parent incarcerated and with the consent of the custodial parent the court would likely approve a temporary guardianship that is in the best interest of the child.

Can a custodial parent move outside of the US without non custodial parents consent?

No, as both signatures are needed for a passport.

Can a non custodial parent create a Facebook page for a minor child without custodial parents consent?

no law addressing it

Can the custodial parent change an order for custody of child occurring after custodial parent's death?

No. The court is the only the one that can change a custody order.

Can the original child support order ever be changed without the consent of the non custodial parent?

Since a Child Support Order is a Court Order the Court can change their Order as they see fit, regardless of what the Non-custodial parent, or the custodial parent think. The Court does not need your "consent" to issue an order. The Non-custodial and custodial parent would receive notice of a Court hearing or administrative hearing prior to any changes being made to the Court's Order, so it is important to show up to the hearing! This is not to be construed as legal advice, always seek the advise of an attorney to preserve your rights.

Can a custodial parent move a child out of the state of Utah without the non custodial parents' permission?

No, you need both his and the courts consent.

Do you have to have consent from both parents to house a minor?

Yes. if the custodial parent can not take care of the minor the non-custodial have first dibs.