Provided you were both in the relationship before your conditional releases, then it is possible, if you first obtain the permission of both the parole and probation officers. If this is a relationship that developed after either of you were put on supervised release, it is more likely than either or both of you could be violated and returned to incarceration for having contact with another convicted felon.
yes you can get married but the felon on probation will not be allowed around the other felon due to the probation arrangement
Update: If you are going to marry a felon, most likely your probation officer probably already approved it and most cases you will be able to marry and live with that felon.
Yes, if you are convicted felon currently on probation you are not to have any kind of contact with any other convicted felon.
Yes, you are still a convicted felon, even after completing probation. You must get the conviction expunged to restore your rights.
i want to register to vote can i as an convicted felon in new york
you may after 90 years
yes, if he choses to hire you. as long as you won't be violating requirements about selling alcohol, etc.
No. Probation is a sentence for being adjudged guilty. He is still a convicted felon.
The basic question is "Can a convicted felon get section 8 housing?" Whether he is on probation or a college student does not matter. The answer is yes and no, depending on what the conviction is for, how old the conviction is, and whether the felon has to register as a sex offender in the state he is residing in.
Can a convicted felone become a juvenile probation officer.
Under certain circumstances probation can be transferred interstate. You would have to petition the sentencing court to transfer your probation.
You wonder why you married it. Why marry a dog?
Yes, it is perfectly legal.