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Congress can impose federal mandates, which require the state government to comply with its orders

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Q: Can congress impose federal mandates which require the state government to comply with its orders?
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Programs that the Federal government requires States to implement without Federal funding.

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It is required by the federal government.

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It is required by the federal government.

Why are unfunded mandates difficult to deal with?

An "unfunded mandate" is a requirement from a higher level of government that some lower level of government must enforce and pay for. It's easy for the Federal government to demand that the STATES pay for something, or for the State to require the LOCAL government to do something; the agency that makes the demand doesn't have to care about the cost, or whether or not it is effective, or even if it works at all.

Does the federal government require emplyees to contribute to the worker's compensation insurance?

No. If you mean state regulated Workers' Compensation coverage, (and don't have it confused with Social Security) the Federal government does not mandate anything about the system and certainly does not require employees to contribute.

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The Occupational Safety and Health Act was passed by Congress in 1970 and created the Occupational Safety and Health Administration in 1971.

In 1970 the federal government created to both assist and require employers and employees to make the prevention of on the job injuries and work-related illnesses a priority.?

The Occupational Safety and Health Act was passed by Congress in 1970 and created the Occupational Safety and Health Administration in 1971.

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No employer can require things being done with or without pay. It is against the labor laws which are given by the federal government.

Does Missouri law require posters be hung for all employees to see?

Yes, Missouri law mandates that employers display labor law posters in visible areas for all employees to see​.

What i do you need to present to the probate court to get tax id?

The tax ID is issued by the Federal Government. It does not require the probate court.