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No. Educational loans will remain with your during and after the bankruptcy is completed. This holds true regardless of whether you decide to file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy.

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Q: Can college debt be included in a bankruptcy?
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What is chaptur 7?

Chapter 7 is a "fresh start" bankruptcy. You are discharged from all debt included in the bankruptcy. There are some debt that you cannot discharge.

Can a debt to a private individual be included in a bankruptcy petition?

Not only can the be included, they MUST be included. All debts whether to Walmart or Aunt Betsy needs to be included in your bankruptcy filing.

If your wife included a joint car loan in her bankruptcy but you did not file bankruptcy are you still liable for that loan?

You will be responsible for the whole debt since you are the only one capable of paying the debt after your wife's bankruptcy.

What happens when a creditor doesn't file a proof of claim in a bankruptcy case?

If it is not a secured debt it will be included in the bankruptcy discharge.

Can a debt collector continue to call after you file bankruptcy?

No, not as long as they were included in the bankruptcy. You should give their information to your bankruptcy attorney, who will contact the debt collector. If that doesn't work, your attorney will certainly know what to do next.

Can an old creditor ask for money if you did not include them in a Bankruptcy?

Yes. If they were not included then the bankruptcy doesn't apply to any debt owed to them.

Is a credit line on your house included in bankruptcy?

That is up to the person filing the bankruptcy. You can include or omit any debt that you choose.

What happens to your ticket when an airline files bankruptcy?

Nothing, the ticket is not a debt and would not be included in their bankruptcy. The ticket should still be good.

Can a HELOC that is charged-off by the lender be included in a chapter 7 bankruptcy?

It has to be included in a bankruptcy filing. A charge-off is a tax break for the lender. It has nothing to do with whether the debt is still owing.

How can you get a judgment off your credit report after filing bankruptcy?

If the debt that you were sued over, or the judgment itself was included in your bankruptcy, you only need send a copy of your bankruptcy papers to the credit reporting agencies. The judgment will not "come off", but it should get marked "included in bankruptcy" or "discharged through bankruptcy".

What if the debt is incurred after the bankruptcy filing but before the bankruptcy discharge?

When an individual files for bankruptcy, he/she must list down all the creditors and debts that they have. If the bankruptcy has already been filed and the individual has incurred new debt but has not yet been discharged by bankruptcy, that new debt is not included in the bankruptcy discharge. For an official opinion, it is advised you seek legal counsel. It is really important to seek legal advice from the expert about filing for bankruptcy.

Can you include payday loans in a bankruptcy in Kansas?

YES. Any debt can be included in a bankruptcy petition. It is up to the bankruptcy court to determine which debts will be allowed to stay in.