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Tax refund, yes - also, State lottery winnings and virtually any other State or Federal payment (excluding public assistance/SSI).

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Q: Can child support put a hold on a refund?
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Related questions

Will child support arrears reach you if you owe?

Hopefully, yes. Child Support Enforcement Agencies in the United States have wide reaching powers to assist in collecting child support. They can take your tax refund, garnish your wages, suspend your license and put you in jail for not paying. You should have checked before you brought a child into the world.

Does attending school put a hold on paying child support?

No. Only a court order can place a hold on a child support obligation. You need to take it up with the court.No. Only a court order can place a hold on a child support obligation. You need to take it up with the court.No. Only a court order can place a hold on a child support obligation. You need to take it up with the court.No. Only a court order can place a hold on a child support obligation. You need to take it up with the court.

You put your baby daddy on child support its that possible im getting his tax refund?

No, as you just did and he's not yet in arrears, plus it requires a court order.

How far behind in child support can a person get before they put a hold on their assets?

The threshold varies by State.

Can child support be put on hold when non custodial parent is disabled?

Yes, if the NCP has little or no income of any kind.

Who is responsible for your child support income tax interception if the courts and the child support services made a mishap on your case?

If they missed intercepting the tax refund it it's likely you are out of luck. You will need to keep pursuing the delinquent parent. Perhaps they can be put in jail.If they missed intercepting the tax refund it it's likely you are out of luck. You will need to keep pursuing the delinquent parent. Perhaps they can be put in jail.If they missed intercepting the tax refund it it's likely you are out of luck. You will need to keep pursuing the delinquent parent. Perhaps they can be put in jail.If they missed intercepting the tax refund it it's likely you are out of luck. You will need to keep pursuing the delinquent parent. Perhaps they can be put in jail.

Can my ex put his child support on his chapter 10 and not have to pay child support?

No, child support cannot be cleared in a bankruptcy.

Can child support be amended if a custodial parent does not enforce regular visits?

In Missouri, it can be put on hold. In California, it gets increased. see link

Can you temporaily suspend child support?

The mother can if she's not collecting Welfare. In states like Missouri, if being denied visitation, the father can file to have child support put on hold. It also can be stopped after 30 days of extended visitation.

Can you put your husband on child support if separated?

if you have the child. And even when he does.

Husband pays child support can a lien be put on our home for back child support?


How come federal tax refund offset is not on child support payment history?

That is odd. Here in this state Maine it is noted as a child support payment and does go as such on records, when given to the custodial parent for past due child support owed as such a payment to child support and should be a credit towards the child support owed. You need to check with your State Child Support as you did not mention the State you are in. But where it is federal it should be with all states, not just one. But you need to check with the Child Support Enforcement of your state as to why it was not put down as a payment for past due child support and why you were not credited for the amount as of yet. You do have the right to call and ask as the non custodial parent and it is your money that was taken away. So you do have the right to know why.