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No. The exception being if the non custodial parent tries to "hide" personal income in the corporate accounts to avoid support obligations.

If that is suspected the court will order a discovery hearing and the non custodial parent will be served with a summons which will state which documents must be presented to the court in regards to the financial issues involved.

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Q: Can child support draw money from your corporation?
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Does a 20-yr old college student on disability get to draw child support also?

Since you aren't a child and haven't got a child to which you are the parent/guardian of, the answer is no.

If your name is partner of a business but you do not draw a wage are you still liable to pay child support from the business income?

If the court says that you must pay child support in the United States, it does not matter whether you are drawing a wage - you are liable for the child support payments. If your employment status changes, you might be able to petition the court to change the amount of the child support payments. If child support has not yet been determined and you have never received any remuneration from the business, you might be able to prevent the business income from being used to determine child support, although if you start receiving a wage, child support might be recomputed based upon it. An important issue is why you do not draw a wage despite being listed as a partner. It will depend on numerous factors and it would be best to get legal consultation.

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Yes, but the State will likely garnishee your unemployment. You need to file a motion to modify. see links below

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Yes, the one does not offset the other.

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* Have your banking institution create an account for the mother and just deposit the money in there. Make sure the mother has the account number so she can draw the money out.

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Not sure what benefits you are talking about but never adopted means the birth mother is still obligated to support the child and pay child support to the custodial parent/legal guardian. Having the parental rights terminated does not change that. Only adoption would end it.

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i think so

Do you have to draw a wage workig for your own corporation?

No, you can exempt yourself if self employed many states.

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artists are never short on money because they could draw their own salary! get it DRAW!!!!!!!!!!

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to draw a picture, to draw water from a well, to draw blood, to draw someone out of their shell, to draw a card from the deck, to draw money from the bank