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Yes it can. Custodial orders as well as child support orders can be established after a divorce and does not have to be included in divorce papers, although it is more common to do so.

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Q: Can child support be order when custody was never established in the divorce decree?
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How do you know if you have full custody?

An unmarried mother has full custody of her child unlessthe father has established his paternity through the court. He can then request custody and visitation rights. A divorced mother must review her divorce decree and all related court orders if she is unsure about the status of the custody of her child.

Does a divorce decree supersede a child support order?

If the divorce decree addresses child support and is issued after the child support order then it replaces the child support order. If the child support order was issued or amended after the divorce decree then you abide by the most recent order with regard to child support.

Does a divorce decree mention dependent children?

I am a paralegal for the state of South Carolina. Here a judge must state if there are children of the marriage union in the divorce decree. Of course it does, that is a highly relevant issue that would need to be addressed(custody,support, visitation etc) during the proceeding.

When does a the obligation of a divorce decree?

The divorce decree obligation states what each spouse is obligated to. This could be alimony payments or child support.

In the case of divorce if one parent has custody does that mean the other is unable to make decisions for the child?

Unless the divorce decree states that they do, no, not unless the person having full custody permits it.

Can child support be adjusted after a determined in a divorce decree?

Yes it can

When can spousal support be terminated?

The termination of spousal support is determined by the court and is generally set forth in the separation agreement that is incorporated into the divorce decree. You need to review the decree.The termination of spousal support is determined by the court and is generally set forth in the separation agreement that is incorporated into the divorce decree. You need to review the decree.The termination of spousal support is determined by the court and is generally set forth in the separation agreement that is incorporated into the divorce decree. You need to review the decree.The termination of spousal support is determined by the court and is generally set forth in the separation agreement that is incorporated into the divorce decree. You need to review the decree.

Do you have full custody of your son if his father left?

It depends on your legal status before and after the father left. If you are married then he still has full parental rights until a court renders a custody order. If you have been divorced custody should have been addressed in the divorce decree. If you were never married and he has no previously established custodial rights then you have full legal custody.

if we are going thru a custody battle , do i still have to comply with the first divorce decree ?

unless a second one has replaced it then you still do

How do you give up temporary custody of a child?

To give up custody under Temporary orders, or Divorce Decree, the court will need to change the legal and residential custody of the minor. Child support is not affected unless the Court orders a change in child support.

What do you do if father will not let you see your child?

AnswerVisit your local family court and ask to speak with an advocate. The father has no legal right to keep the children from you unless you have been deemed unfit. Unwed mothers have custody until a custody order has been issued by the court once the father has established his paternity. Married parents have equal parental rights. The court will issue an order that addresses custody, visitation and child support as part of a divorce decree.

Do the documents associated with a divorce expire?

A divorce decree and any associated separation agreement that was incorporated into the decree do not expire. You should keep copies of any decree issued by the court including agreements, child support and visitation orders.