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That's up to a judge, but a driver's license is not a requirement or a right for the child. In 20 years, I've never seen it attempted.

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Q: Can car insurance be added to child support?
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Does a father who already pays child support in GA have to give additional money for a child's car and insurance?

No, as that is not a right or requirement.

Do divorce parents both pay for the cost of car insurance for the child?

It's not considered a require item in the support of a child. Having a car is neither a necessity or right of a child.

What is meant by Texas car insurance for student driver?

If you need insurance, Texas Car Insurance is just one of the companies to try for your child. I know that Allstate also offers a discount for your child to be added to your policy, and the benefit would mainly be the coverage on your vehicles as well.

When your child gets his drivers license do you have to add them to insurance?

No, they can get their own car and insurance.But if you want them to drive your car, yes they must be added as an additional driver.

Can you be added to your parent's car insurance?

Yes, it is possible to be added to your parent's car insurance, but there may be an extra premium to be payed.

Can you add a child to your insurance policy to cover their car?

Yes, you can add the child and the car

Can someone be added to a car insurance policy that is not a family member?

Yes, If someone will be driving the car, it is recommended to add inform your insurance company and have them added to the policy.

Where can a teen get car insurance?

It is very difficult and expensive for a teenager to get car insurance. The easiest way to get it is to be put on your parents' insurance and pay them the added insurance cost out of your wages.

What happens if your child is driving a friends car without permission and is involved in a car accident and your child does not have car insurance?

If your child has a license the insurance on the car will probably cover it. The company can take the position that they were not supposed to be driving it and are not covered in which case it would come back to you because the child is underage.

Is it cheaper for your minor child to get his own car insurance?

No... No it is not

Do you have to live with someone to be on their car insurance?

No!! Just be added to their policy

Where can one purchase car insurance for teenagers?

If you are needing to purchase car insurance for a teenager, it is best to call your current insurance company and have the teenager added on to your current policy.