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Yes, it can.

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Q: Can back child support stop you from getting a pass port in Florida?
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In the state of Florida how can a lien for back child support against Supplemental Security Income?

In the state of Florida how can a lien for back child support against Supplemental Security Income?

Do you have to go back to court to end child support at the age of 18 in Florida?

Yes, any changes in the child support order has to be done in court. It does not end automatically.

Is there a phone number you can call if you are supposed to be getting back child support from your ex spouses taxes?

Call your State's child support agency.

Will the state of Wisconsin stop you from getting a passport with back child support?

They might.

Can back child support in Indiana stop you from getting a passport?

Yes, nationwide.

How can I get a copy of what I have paid out in child support and back support Child Support Fayette County Attorney Lexington KY?

You get it from Child Support enforcement. Sign up for getting a regular report. see links below

What happened back up child support after the child turns 18 in the state of Florida?

You still owe the other parent money and they have to be paid.

Why does a person get denied a passport?

A passport can be denied for back child support,being a fellon.THIS APPLIES TO THE STATE OF FLORIDA.

How do you go about getting back child support on a open 401k plan when the person has not retired?

Contact your State's child support agency. Be polite but persistent. Good luck!

Can a parent refuse child support then go to court and ask for back child support?

No. Most judges will only collect the child support due at the time that you filed for Child Support so if you filed a case with child support on June 2008 and then got it finalized July of 2009 you would only get from the date that child support was filed, no more and no less. That is the only back child support you will be getting. You can always go back to court and get the child support started and all, but you cannot ask for back child support if you refused it and you did not fill out a Child Support filed case, with your state either. Again get an attorney and/or call your child Support Enforcement Agency and make sure of the laws in your state, but this is in most states. Utah, California and Maine are all this way.

Do you as an adult have any rights to the back child support your mother is getting?

No. The purpose of collecting back child support is to financially reimburse the custodial parent for the support he or she provided in the past. It is not intended to provide present or future support. The debt is owed entirely to the mother in this case, since she was the one who provided financial support to the child. There are cases in which an adult can receive the back child support owed to their parent, but these usually involve the death of that parent.

Would a judgment for back child support stop someone from getting a loan without a cosigner?
