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Depends on where you live, or rather, where you intend to open the pub. In most countries, yes, but I'm unsure about America. Also, there are many countries who don't care and often the police can be bribed with beer or other drinks;)

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Q: Can an old criminal record stop you from holding a pub licence?
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I doubt it. Many have a criminal record from their youth for instance and that does not stop them from being great parents. So unless she is doing criminal things now you will not get full custody.

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It can be held against you depending on what you did but it won't necessarily stop you

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Geico raised my rate even though i had a completely clean record from the time I got my licence.

Does an Australian criminal record stop you from going to the UK?

no, we let anyone in. besides, Australia was a prison colony, it would be a bit ridiculous to exclude convicts from there

How many points for a failure to stop at a stop sign?

this is usually a £50 fine and 3 points on your licence.

Can you stop disclosing criminal record on applications after 10 years?

Some states allow a limitation beyond which you do not have to disclose this to a PRIVATE employer, but you would have to check with your individual state's laws.

Will the Mexican authorites stop you from going on vacation with a charter group to enter their country because you are on probation in the US and Would they even know that from your pass port?

They probably will, if the database with your criminal record is available to Mexican authorities. If they don't, you still have to return to the US. In that case, it is certain the immigration official will run a security check on you and find out that you have a criminal record.

What would happen to the licence of a driver who has involved in an accident and did not stop?

They would be charged

What kind of criminal charges in your criminal background can stop you from working in child care?

Assualt robbery