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No. An executor has no authority until they have been appointed by the probate court. An executor cannot "remove" an heir. They must follow the provisions in the will.

No. An executor has no authority until they have been appointed by the probate court. An executor cannot "remove" an heir. They must follow the provisions in the will.

No. An executor has no authority until they have been appointed by the probate court. An executor cannot "remove" an heir. They must follow the provisions in the will.

No. An executor has no authority until they have been appointed by the probate court. An executor cannot "remove" an heir. They must follow the provisions in the will.

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No. An executor has no authority until they have been appointed by the probate court. An executor cannot "remove" an heir. They must follow the provisions in the will.

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Can an executor be beneficiary of a will in CT How can an executor be removed by an heir?

Yes, the executor can be a beneficiary. The court may remove an executor at the request of the beneficiaries.

Can an executor be appointed after one's death by an heir?

The heir's cannot appoint an executor. They can recommend one to the court, but the court decides.

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An heir may decline to accept an inheritance. The executor then has to distribute the assets per the will.

Can you leave anything to the executor of your will?

Yes, in many cases the executor is a family member and heir.

Can an executor of a will also be named an heir in the will?

Yes, it is possible for an executor of a will to also be named as an heir in the will. However, it is important for the executor to fulfill their duties impartially and in the best interest of the estate and other beneficiaries to avoid any conflicts of interest.

Can one heir challenge an executor?

Yes. Anyone with an interest in a decedent's estate can do so. An heir would be such an animal.

Can the executor disinherit someone from the will?

The executor is often a beneficiary of the will. They have to show the court a complete accounting of the estate. This means the judge has to validate that they aren't taking more then they are entitled to.

Can an estranged executor accuse an heir of damaging the deceased property?

The executor of an estate is responsible for the assets of the estate. That means they can bring a lawsuit on behalf of the estate. So, yes, they can accuse or even sue an heir for damaging property.

Who is executor of personal property when mother dies and is divorced?

Whomever files to be the executor. The estate can be opened by any heir or beneficiary, or even a debtor.

What if the executor discriminates against an heir in MN?

They should be reported to the court immediately. The court can replace an executor who fails to perform their duties responsibly.

Can an ONLY Heir such as Spouse or wife be the Executor of the husband's Will?

It makes a lot of sense to make them the executor. It is very common for the spouse to serve in that capacity.

Can a heir force an executor who is living probate house to take action on sale or to make payment of value of home to the heirs according to will while estate is in probate?

If the executor is acting in bad faith, certainly an heir could sue him for that.