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Certainly, at any non-government employer smaller than 20 employees, which is most US employers.

Larger employers and all governments are subject to the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, which prohibits mandatory employment ages.

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Q: Can an employee be forced to retire at a predetermined age?
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What rights do you have if you don't want to retire?

This depends upon which state you are in and what job you hold. In general, it's illegal age discrimination for a company to force people under the age of 75 to retire. However, the courts have found that workers with certain jobs, like airline pilots, can be forced to retire at 65. Also, executives can be forced to retire at 65. The best bet is to contact the nearest EEOC office and see if you have a case for age discrimination.

Can asking an employee when she plans to retire be seen as age discrimination?

That depends. Feeling harassed or discriminated against due to age is subjective and varies by individual. The best an employer can due is ask the question under reasonable circumstances, which would be a defense against a discrimination complaint. If the employee is approaching what most people consider retirement age, or if the employee has worked for the number of years to qualify for full retirement benefits, then it would be reasonable for an employer to inquire about the employee's retirement plans because the employer will need to plan for replacing the retiring employee.

Do you have to retire?

You do not have to retire unless a certain retirement age is part of your job requirements, such as with law enforcement, or unless you can no longer perform your responsibilities.Answer:In some jurisdictions the establishment of a mandatory retirement age has been declared discriminatory and cannot be used as a reason to terminate your employment. As an example, the normal age for retirement in Canada is 65, however one cannot be forced to retire at that age. Labour laws in the country do not specify a retirement age.

What age can you retire from army?

Enlisting was changed to 42. I do not believe there is a mandatory retirement age. Admiral Rickover was forced to retire in his 80's after 63 years of service on 31 January 1982. Of course it is more at the discretion of the individual service and the ability of the soldier or sailor to do his assigned tasks, his physical ability.

What is the earliest age I can retire?

The earliest age that you can retire is at 62 years old.

Where did Clara barton retire?

She retired in Glen Echo, Maryland after being forced out of the Red Cross at age 83. She died eight years later in 1912.

What age did ronaldinho retire?

ronaldinho will never retire

When does the Senate have to retire?

the senate has to retire at the age of 75.

To stop working usually at a certain age?


What age do photographers retire?

at the age of 123

When does a anesthesiologist retire?

There is not set age for when a doctor is suggested to retire. The rule of thump is always that a doctor must retire when old age effects his or her performance.

What age will Chris Brown retire?

We do not know what age Chris Brown plans to retire because Chris Brown has never said anything about when he plans to retire or that he plans to retire anytime soon.