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In general, emancipated children are not eligible for child support - they are considered adults.

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Q: Can an emancipated teenager living other adults get child support?
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Are parents obligated to provide child support for a 16 year old not living at home?

Yes, unless the child is emancipated.

What age can a teenager be emancipated in Wisconsin?

In Wisconsin, a minor must be at least 16 years old to petition for emancipation. Emancipation is a legal process where the minor is granted certain rights and responsibilities typically reserved for adults, such as entering into contracts and living away from their parents. The court will consider factors such as the minor's ability to financially support themselves and whether emancipation is in their best interest.

Can a 16 year old get emancipated in ny and still receive child support?

No. In NYC a parent has to support a child until the child is 21 years old or becomes emancipated. Emancipation means a child is living separately and independently from a parent, or is self-supporting.

Can you get emancipated in nebraska for not getting along with your parents I dont get along with my parents that much anymore im sixteen and i can support myself i make 900 dollars a month?

Not getting along with your parents is not enough to justify emancipation, or there wouldn't be a teenager living at home anywhere. And $900 a month is below poverty level.

If your mother is a drug abuser what can you do to get emancipated?

In order to get emancipated in the U.S. you have to go before a judge and he has to grant it to you. You have to have a stable job which brings in enough income for you to support yourself and you have to find a suitable living arrangement that is approved by the court.

Do you have to pay child support in Mississippi if your child drop out of high school?

Yes. Child support is not something you pay so the child will stay in school, it's for their living expenses until they are emancipated and can support themselves.

Can a 16-year-old living with grandparents who have not been appointed legal guardians be emancipated without the grandparents' permisson?

It depends on the state. Many do not have an emancipated status. And if they do, the 16-year-old must show that they can support themselves.

Can a 15 year old get emancipated just because she is pregnant?

No. A 15 year old is still a minor, but now one with a child. Becoming pregnant does not make a minor emancipated. To become emancipated a minor child needs to go before a judge to have him/her determine if she can support herself and the baby. The judge will want to know the means of support and other living conditions. Being emancipated means that a person can support themselves, have a job, pay the rent, pay for babysitting, and do all things needed to live. I doubt that a judge will allow a 15 year old minor to become emancipated with a baby without the needed support.

Does the father have to pay child support if the child lives on their own in Mississippi?

A minor child should not be living on their own. If the child has been legally emancipated the parent may be excused from paying child support. Otherwise, they will be assessed if the custodial parent files a petition for child support with the court. At that time the fact of the child living on their own can be brought to the attention of the court.A minor child should not be living on their own. If the child has been legally emancipated the parent may be excused from paying child support. Otherwise, they will be assessed if the custodial parent files a petition for child support with the court. At that time the fact of the child living on their own can be brought to the attention of the court.A minor child should not be living on their own. If the child has been legally emancipated the parent may be excused from paying child support. Otherwise, they will be assessed if the custodial parent files a petition for child support with the court. At that time the fact of the child living on their own can be brought to the attention of the court.A minor child should not be living on their own. If the child has been legally emancipated the parent may be excused from paying child support. Otherwise, they will be assessed if the custodial parent files a petition for child support with the court. At that time the fact of the child living on their own can be brought to the attention of the court.

How can child support continue if the child is in high school but doesn't live with parents?

You file for custody as the child should be living with one of them. The custodial parent can be charged with abandonment. if the child has married, get the support stopped, or have the child emancipated.

When does a parent not need to pay child support?

When the child is emancipated or has attained the age of majority (support may continue for an adult child who is severely disabled); when the child has been adopted; when the parents are married to each other and living with the child.

How old you do you have to be to be emancipated in the state of va?

In Virginia, you must be at least 16 years old to petition for emancipation. However, the court will consider many factors before granting emancipation, such as your ability to financially support yourself, your maturity level, and your living arrangements.