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No. Intentionally striking another person is a crime, regardless of age or legal status.

There is a narrow exception for parents to spank their minor children, but hitting an emancipated adult generally doesn't fall into this exception anyway.

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Q: Can an adult hit an emancipated kid?
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Can an adult get emancipated?

An adult doesn't need to get emancipated.

Can an emancipated minor have a relationship with an adult?

No, emancipated or not. It's wrong and a crime for the adult.

If you have a kid are you considered an adult in the state of North Carolina?

The ability to have a child has no bearing on whether you are an adult. You must be 18 or have been legally emancipated by a court order or marriage.

Can you leave the state when emancipated?

Once you are emancipated, you are an adult. You can go where you wish.

How can a 19 year old be concidered emancipated?

if you are 19 there is no need to be emancipated you are already a legal adult

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No. An emancipated minor is legally an adult.

What do you have to be to leave home?

Adult age or emancipated minor.

If you a minor and have a kid does ur Mon have to get emancipated?

Your mother does not have to do anything. And having a child does not mean one is emancipated automatically.

When emancipated and away from parents does the state consider you an adult when going to high school?

When you are emancipated you are considered an adult in everything you do- including any crimes you commit, so I'd recommend not stealing. You'll be tried as an adult.

How do you become an emancipated kid?

You need to file for it, and have a valid justification for it.

Are you an emancipated minor after you have a baby in mi?

Having a baby does not make one 18 years old. You have to be an adult to be emancipated.

What if you have a child also can you still be emancipated from your parents?

This depends on the state laws in which you live. In Alabama once you have a child you are considered an adult. This does not matter if you are twelve or seventeen, if you have one kid you are automatically emancipated in the laws eyes. A good idea would be to see what your state laws are on child birth and/or emancipation.