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Yes. The Florida Wrongful Death Act allows a child to recover for loss of support and services, regardless of how old that child was when the parent passed away. You should consult an attorney, so that all the relevant law can be applied to the facts of your case. I know a lot of good lawyers in Florida. Shoot me an e-mail, if you need help picking one. My email is: Best of Luck!

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8mo ago

Yes, an adult child can sue for the wrongful death of a parent in Florida. The state's wrongful death statute allows certain family members, including adult children, to bring a lawsuit seeking damages for the loss of their parent if the death was caused by someone else's negligence or wrongful act. However, the specific requirements and procedures for filing a wrongful death claim in Florida should be discussed with a qualified attorney.

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In Florida, a parent is legally responsible for a child until the child reaches the age of 18.

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Only if you prove to be an "unfit" or bad parent. The parent that is an adult has not more rights to the child because they are an adult and you are not.