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Legally, no. The federally mandated minimum age is 21.

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Q: Can an 18 year old drink alcohol in minnesota with parental consent?
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Can a minor drink alcohol with parents permission on home property in California?

No, in California it is illegal for a minor to consume alcohol even with parental permission on home property. California's alcohol laws prohibit individuals under the age of 21 from possessing or consuming alcohol in any circumstance, including at home with parental consent.

What is the age restriction for alcohol use in Europe?

In France the age for buying alcohol is 16. In the UK it's 18 but 16 for beer or cider with a meal in a restaurant. Children over the age of 5 can drink alcohol in a private place with parental consent.

What is the drinking age in Kansas?

21 years of age to PURCAHSE and CONSUME beer without parental consent. Yet if you're under 18 it is legal with Parental Consent and Parently Guidance (Meaning they have to be there) for you to drink...

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21 years of age to PURCAHSE and CONSUME beer without parental consent. Yet if you're under 18 it is legal with Parental Consent and Parently Guidance (Meaning they have to be there) for you to drink...

Can a minor drink alcohol with their parents in minnesota?

Yes but strictly with their parents permission

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the legal age to buy alcohol and drink in Spain is 18 y

Why are so many breweries in Minnesota?

There are lot of breweries in Minnesota as its weather is cold and more people tend to drink alcohol in cold weather

At what age are you an adult in Korea?

In Korea, the legal age of adulthood is 19 years old. At this age, individuals gain the right to vote, drink alcohol, and engage in legal activities without parental consent.

Is it legal in Scotland to move out at the age of 16 without parental consent and if not what is the legal age?

In Scotland, you can leave home at 16 without your parents' consent. The legal age to move out without parental consent in Scotland is 16. However, it is advisable to seek guidance and support when considering moving out at such a young age.

What is Minnesota state drink?

Minnesota's state drink is milk and it was adopted as the official State drink in 1984.

Can a 16 year old drink beer in wa state with parental consent at home?

STOP!That is not the legal age limit, to consume ANY TYPE of Alcoholic Beverage, even with PARENTAL CONSENT!If you're parents do AGREE, and or you are caught! You're legal guardians WILL BE, In deep trouble, most likely getting a visit from, police, child services, etc..

In Louisiana can a parent legally buy a child a glass of wine in a restaurant?

No, it is illegal in Louisiana for a parent to buy alcohol for their child in a restaurant. The legal drinking age in Louisiana is 21, and it is against the law for anyone under that age to consume alcohol, even with parental consent.