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Not if the case were already underway. You would have file a new or amended lawsuit in order to name the 'witness' as a defendant or co-defendant. it is doubtful that an amended lawsuit would be granted at this point in the proceedings.

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Q: Can a witness in civil case be added as defendant?
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What are the parties in dispute?

It depends on what kind of case it is. In a criminal case the parties are called prosecutor and defendant; in a civil case they are the plaintiff and the defendant; and in family law they are the petitioner and respondent.

What does judgment for defendant mean?

"Judgment for Defendant" means that the defendant wins the case. In a criminal case, a judgment for defendant would be a "not guilty" verdict (usually). In a civil case, it would usually mean that the defendant does not have to pay money to the person who sued him or her (known as the "plaintiff").

What is a Prosecution Witness?

A prosecution witness is someone who will provide evidence for the prosecutions case. If i was representing a client who was shot by his friend and witness by another friend I, as the lawyer (prosecutor), would be representing my client (the victim, or plaintiff), and suing the defendant (the shooter) and calling the witness to testify on behalf of my client (the victim) proving the fact that the defendant shot my client (the plaintiff).

How would you describe a defendant in a civil case?

The person that commited the crime

In a Civil Case the party who brings a case against a Defendant is called?

In a criminal case it is the accuser. In a civil case - think Judge Judy - it is the Plaintiff

What is the prosecutors job in a court?

To present the government's case against the defendant and gain a conviction for the offense being tried. ADDED: ONLY the government's attorney is referred to as "The Prosecutor." In civil cases the attorney for the plaintiff is known as "THE PLAINTIFF'S ATTORNEY."

What are the 3 steps in a civil case?

A civil case involves three elements; cause of action, the burden of proof, and damages. Once a civil case enters trial, additional elements are brought forth including: choosing a jury, opening statements, witness testimony and cross-examination, closing arguments, jury instruction, jury deliberation and verdict.

Do Americans have the constitutional right to an attorney in a civil case?

No, the right to an attorney only applies to a defendant in a criminal case.

In a trial by jury the defendant is the person that?

Has been charged with a crime in a criminal case or is the person being sued in a civil case.

What happens if the defendant wins a civil case?

The loser pays for both sides' legal expenses.

What is the significance of each element of a criminal or civil action?

In either case, each element of an allegation must be proven in order for the Plaintiff to prevail. In a criminal case that would be for the defendant to be found guilty and in a civil case that would be for the defendant to be found liable. For details on the elements of each case, please see the related links below.

What plaintiff seeks to prove in a civil case?

That the defendant injured, or caused them some damage, monetary or physical.