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If the testator owned property where she/he lived the will should be probated in that county. You should check with an attorney in your jurisdiction to determine the practice in your area.

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Q: Can a will be filed in any court county or the county where the person lived?
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Where do I search a will filed?

Generally, a will is filed at the county probate court where the decedent lived.

Is a will filed in the town a person lived?

A will should be filed in the probate court of the county where the person resided at the time of their death, not necessarily the town where they lived. This is typically done to ensure that the correct legal procedures are followed for administering the estate according to the deceased person's wishes.

How do you go about getting a copy of a will and when it was filed?

You can typically obtain a copy of a will by contacting the probate court in the county where the deceased person lived. You may need to fill out a request form and pay a fee. The court can provide you with information on when the will was filed.

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Who filed them? Ask that person. They had to be filed in the family, divorce or probate court (whatever it is called in your state) for the county you or the other party or both of you lived in at the time (or for the previous year or so, depending on state law again).

Can you do the probate on your father's will?

# If no executor was named in the will, then a person may petition the court to be appointed as such. Contact the clerk of the probate court in the city or county where the deceased lived and/or owned property. Answer 2: If no executor was named in the will, then the will is technically not a will. If the executor pre-deceased the testator then the main beneficiary of the will can prove the will. And yes this could be a son or any relative of the deceased.

How do you find out if the estate of a decedent in Illinois was probated my mother-in-law has a life estate in property with 12 tenants in common and wants to sell?

You do some research to find the probate court where that person died. You can do that by determining the county where the decedent last lived and then do an online search. For example, "probate + Cook County, Illinois", brought up the page in the link below. Once you find the web page for the correct court you can call or write to ask if a probate was filed for that person. If one was filed you can request a copy of the will. The court will give you instructions on how to order it and the cost.

How long is divorce paperwork kept on file in California?

Once everything is filed with the court, a California divorce takes about six months before you are divorced. If the divorcing couple is living together, a divorce is filed in the California Superior Court in the county of residence of either spouse. One spouse must have lived in California for at least 6 months prior to the divorce and in the specific county for at least 3 months.

How do I find what is the court that has jurisdiction and ask if a petition has been filed in your father's name?

You need to research the probate court where your father lived. Contact information should be easy to find. Start by performing an internet search using the county, state and 'probate court'. The court should have a website with contact information.

How does a NY resident obtain letters testamentary for a CA. deceased with no will?

You should contact the probate court in the jurisdiction where the decedent lived. Check online for the county, state + probate court.You should contact the probate court in the jurisdiction where the decedent lived. Check online for the county, state + probate court.You should contact the probate court in the jurisdiction where the decedent lived. Check online for the county, state + probate court.You should contact the probate court in the jurisdiction where the decedent lived. Check online for the county, state + probate court.

How can you get a copy of a decedent's will?

You can obtain a copy of a decedent's will by contacting the probate court in the county where the individual lived. Wills are usually filed with the court after someone passes away. You may need to show proof of relationship or interest in the estate to access the will.

How do you find out if you have been left anything in a will i have moved house recentley but i have been informed that a close friend left me something in their will.?

Most (if not all) states require a will to be filed with the clerk of the court in the county where the decedent lived. Once the will is filed, it becomes public record and anyone can request a copy.

How do you find a Last Will when filed?

Visit the probate court where the decedent lived and ask to review the file.