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Unless re-married, a widow can legally continue to be "Mrs. (late husband's first name) so-and-so."

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Q: Can a widow use husbands name legally?
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How do you address a sympathy card to widow Use her first name or husbands whole name?

However you would address them individually with and in between, as:Mr. John Smith and Mrs. Jane Jones

Is it illegal to use your married name after you have been divorced and then remarried to another man?

Once you get married and legally change your last name to your husbands, it is your name. Even after a divorce it doesnt have to be changed.

Can you use your maiden name on the invitation to your second marriage if you never legally changed it back?

No, you have not legally changed your name back to your own surname so to make the second marriage legal you would have to put your ex husbands surname on the invitations. Example: Jane Doe (when you own surname is Smith.)

Can you legally only use your middle and last name?

You can use your middle and last name legally. Many people use their middle name with their last name.

Do you have a legal right to use your boyfriends last name?

No. But you can change your name legally to just about anything, including his last name. NO NO, unless you have had your name legally changed.

Can i use my husbands credit card if my name is not on the card?

Absolutely NOT !... If you do - you would be committing fraud !

Which name should a new widow use?

I think she should use her married name out of respect for her other half. But if things were not good with him, use her own name and start a new life.

When person legally had his name chenged from father name to mother maiden how he legally present himself in the court?

if you leagally changed you name then you would present yourself with your legal last name. if you legally switched it from your fathers last name to your mothers maiden name, or any name of your choosing for that matter, you would use the name that you LEGALLY changed it to.

What is the proper way to address a letter to a widow?

Use the prefix of Mrs. if it is a fomal letter. If not, and you are familiar with them, use their first name.

Can you use previous last name after husband dies?

A widow is free to revert to her maiden name if she wishes. In general, people can have the name they want.

If I spell my last name Swan can I legally spell it as swann?

Not legally unless you file with a court to legally change it. You can use any name you like as a "stage name" (e.g. rap singers) but any documents or contracts that are executed must use your birth name unless you have been granted a legal change.

Can you use a different first name than the one on your birth certificate?

if you legally change your name, then yes. go to your county's courthouse or website for more information on how to LEGALLY change your name.